Chapter 16

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The next morning you woke up and looked at them time. ‘Crap! I got up late.’ You ran into the bathroom and took a shower. It took you about an hour to get ready. You grabbed a breakfast bar and ran out the door. When you arrived at the Lynch’s house you didn’t see Ross’ car. Your heart sank. You couldn’t believe that you missed his departure. Resting your head against the steering wheel you felt tears falling down your cheeks. It killed you that you couldn’t hold him one last time. Looking over seeing your hoodie in the front seat of your car which made you feel even worse. You got out of your car and grabbed the hoodie, you thought, ‘Maybe he just went out for something before he had to go.’ So you went up to the door and knocked. His mom Stormie answered the door, a sigh of relief swept over you.

“Hi, my name is Sarah. Is Ross here?” you asked hoping they didn’t leave yet.

“Hi Sarah, it’s finally nice to meet you. He should be back any minute. I sent him to the store for some last minute things. You’re more than welcome to come inside and wait in his room.” She said with a smile. You walked inside and she showed you to his room. You sat on his bed and looked around his room. When you got to his night stand you saw a picture of the 2 of you from yesterday. You smiled as a tear rolled down your cheek. No sooner you heard footsteps in the doorway. Looking up to see Ross looking back at you. He ran over and picked you up before you could say anything.  He buried his face into your shoulder as you buried yours into his chest, taking in each other’s scent one last time.

“I’m so glad you came. I don’t know what I would’ve done if I didn’t get to see you.” he said as he fought off the tears that were building up. He looked up a little and saw your hoodie on his bed. It brought a smile to his face. He pulled away slowly and went to his closet. He grabbed a hoodie and beanie for you to take. He handed them to you and you brought them to your face smelling them. Then you looked up you realized how silly you looked. He just smiled at you and caressed your cheek with his thumb. “No matter what you do you always look beautiful. I can’t wait to see this same beautiful face when I come back.” He kissed your forehead then leaned his against yours. You grabbed his hand and intertwined your fingers together.

“You know I was thinking, we could have a little fun before I have to go.” He said winking. You just shook your head laughing a little. Then you grabbed his face and kissed him. After a minute you pulled away slowly and whispered, “Do you want your family to hear us?” you asked giggling. He smiled, “At this point I could care less. I want one more memory to think back on with you.”

It drove you crazy how sweet he was, you thought to yourself, ‘he has to be in the mood or he wouldn’t be pushing for it.’ It’s not like you didn’t want to, it’s just that you don’t want anyone to walk in on it. You closed your eyes for a moment then looked into Ross’. “I really want to its just I don’t want any surprises like someone walking in on us.” He smirked at you and said, “Like I said before I could care less, I just want you.” At that point you knew he was definitely in the mood, but you caved.

*20 minutes later*

The 2 of you cleaned yourselves up. Thankfully no one heard you or walked into the room. You grabbed his hoodie and beanie and put them on. He grabbed your hoodie and put it on. It was a little snug but it still looked good on him. He grabbed your hand intertwining your fingers and escorted you down the stairs. It was time for him to depart. Tears started welling up again and you did everything you could to hold them back. When you got to the bottom he stopped in front of you. You wrap your arms around his waist and burry your face into his back. Tears started streaming down your face. You couldn’t hold it back any longer. He grabbed your arms and brought you in front of him. His cheeks also had tear stains on them. He cradled your face and kissed you. The tears came even faster the longer the kiss lasted. He slowly pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours once more.

“I guess this is it.” You said between sobs. He lifted your chin to look in your eyes.

“Yeah, but I’ll text you every chance I get. We’ll make a schedule for skype and such. Everything is going to be alright, I promise.” He held you tightly one last time. You didn’t want to let go nor did you want it to end. He let go and walked over to the tour bus. He got on the bottom step and turned around to see you standing in his driveway. You blew him a kiss as you wiped the tears away. He caught your kiss and blew one back. You caught it and started to open your car door. You turned to look at the bus one last time and the door was closed, though you could see him in the window looking at you.

You never saw him that sad, even in pictures online. It ripped your heart to shreds. The bus pulled away and that’s when you got in your car heading to work. You knew it was going to be a long 3 months without him at work. When you arrived at work you ran to the bathroom quickly and cleaned your face so no one could tell you had been crying. You walked out into your office and started editing pictures. About a half hour later October came in.

“Hey girl, can we talk?” she said as she sat down at her desk. You turned around to face her and shook your head yes. “So I noticed something yesterday when Ross came in. You seemed happier than normal. Is there something between you 2? You can tell me, I promise I won’t say anything to Mitch. I’m dating a client myself secretly too.” She said reassuringly.

“Well we started dating about a week or 2 ago. It feels like it’s been longer in a good way.” You told her. A smile spread across your face. All you had to do was think about him and you were happy. “But he left for a surprise tour this morning. He’s going to be gone for about 3 months. I’m really going to miss him.” October came over to you and wrapped you in a hug.

“I know how you feel. I’m dating a musician as well. He’s toured a few times since we’ve been dating. It gets easier I promise.” She said rubbing your back and pulling away.

You looked up at her and smiled. “Thank you.” She smiled sympathetically. “I’m always here for you if you ever need someone to talk to.” You smiled again and turned to your computer. You finished editing all but one shoot from yesterday. You opened the last folder and saw that it was Ross’ shoot. It made you smile. You took your time with them. They had to be perfect since it was of your man. 

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