38 : A Date

194 14 3

Namjoon tries to ignore the stares he gets as he trudges down the hallway.

After yesterday, Jin's profile was made instantly viral--as expected--and was made the headline of every gossip girl on campus.

Not that Jin minded. He didn't care.

Namjoon on the other hand...

"Ugh." He groans, clutching his bag closer when some girls turn to whisper to themselves, pretending they weren't caught staring. "Can't they be any subtler?"

"Not any more than you are." Hoseok quips from beside him, snickering openly in amusement. "You're enjoying the attention a little bit, aren't you?"

Namjoon glares.

"But man, I feel so famous." Hoseok ignores him and sighs, drinking in the stares that aren't really meant for him. "I should walk with you more."

Namjoon widens his strides, Hoseok squawks in surprise. "This friendship is over."

"Yeah, go on!" He hollers from behind as he tries to keep pace, "Now that you have Jin you'll forget about me anyway." He sniffs, faking a tear.

Namjoon rolls his eyes and slows down his pace, letting Hoseok catch back up to him with a grin.

They leave behind most of the stares when they approach the 3rd years' halls, to which Namjoon sighs in relief. Upperclassmen generally care less about gossip and more about their regrettable life choices, as Yoongi once said.

He doesn't register Hoseok stopping in front of him, expression curious.

"You know." He starts, eyes narrowing in suspicion. "For someone who's got a boyfriend, you don't look too hot."

Namjoon, startled at the sudden intensity of his gaze, staggers back. "What do you mean?"

"You're all gloomy." He remarks jokingly. Concern clouds his expression when he leans in conspiratorially. "Did Jin force you to do this or something?"

"No!" Namjoon immediately interjects. "No. But I think you have the wrong idea..." He trails off.

Hoseok raises a brow.

"And by that you mean?"

"I'm not--I'm not dating Jin."

Hoseok, for a moment, looks like he wants to throw himself out the window.

"Namjoon." He says gravelly, like it's taking all of his willpower to just say his name. "You have matching couple profiles."

"That's it!" Namjoon exclaims, "You know how Jin ropes me into these things."

Hoseok closes his eyes and inhales, steadying himself. Namjoon doesn't hear it but he has the vague impression that he's being cursed to the moon and back.

"Give me your phone."

Namjoon blinks.


Hoseok snatches it from his pocket, ignoring Namjoon's protests as he unlocks it.

"Hey what the hell man?" Hoseok dodges Namjoon's attempts to get hia phone back, furiously typing something away.

There's a familliar ping heard and it sends a shiver up Namjoon's spine. "And sent. You're going on a date this sunday. With Jin."

Oh no.

"We're going on a what?!"

"A da--"

"It was rhetorical!" Namjoon grabs his phone back, angered. "Hoseok I don't have time for a date, I have things to do!"

"Uhuh." Hoseok says, impassive. They both know that Namjoon always finishes every assignment they have beforehand. He's as free as a butterfly. "Like what?" He challenges.

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