12 : Booths

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After experiencing Taehyung's haunted house, which he awkwardly strolled through, they decide to pay a visit to Yoongi's nap cafe.

When they reach the classroom's open doors, Namjoon raises a brow as he sees the room seemingly covered in white wool.

"Yoongi said they couldn't use all the pillows because they had a last minute change." Says Taehyung when they enter the classroom, the walls and windows adorned with fluff. "So they tore them apart and pasted the filling to the walls."

Namjoon winces, eyeing the cotton strewn across the ceiling. "I can feel my wallet crying even though its not my money."

"Namjoon." Taehyung tuts, patting his shoulder. "Wallets don't cry." He says in a patronizing voice. Namjoon gives him a look and shrugs of his hand.

Someone in a lamb costume approaches them with a smile, looking tired. "Welcome to the baa-ry best cafe in school."

"Tao..." Namjoon drawls, squinting at the costume he wore. "You look--"

"Adorable!" Taehyung whines, hugging the man wearing fluff, who grunts in turn. "You look so soft!"

Tao sighs and hugs him back, a wistful smile on his face. "Thanks. You look cute too in your, um," He pauses, only realizing that Taehyung's costume was meant to be scary. "...Mummy costume."

Namjoon watches as Taehyung grins happily, proceeding to tug Tao to an available seat. He follows him, eventually sitting down on the floor with a low table in front of them.

When Taehyung continues to persistently cling unto Tao, Namjoon grumbles. "Taehyung let him go, he has work to do."

Taehyung turns to him with a pout, before sticking a tongue out in jest. "You're just jealous because I get hugs from handsome guys and you don't."

"I get hugs from Jin all the time." Namjoon deadpans, "It's nothing to be jealous about."

Taehyung releases Tao hesitantly, the elder pats him on the head before standing up and resuming his duties. "That doesn't count Namjoon. Jin is an exception." Taehyung reasons, trying to get the upper hand, still.

"Are you saying he's not handsome?" Namjoon retorts, frowning. "Wait 'till Jin knows about that."

Before Taehyung can blurt something right back, Jimin walks by with a menu and a blinding grin.

"Tae-Tae!" Jimin exclaims. Namjoon promptly ignores the fact that he's wearing a lamb onesie and reaches to take the menu off him.

Taehyung gasps, practically jumping back to life as he takes notice of his best friend, who looks as equally happy to see him.

Jimin gets tackled on the floor, the same way Tao had gotten pinned down earlier.

Namjoon ignores their little row and scans the menu for something to eat. He's just had breakfast but he pays it no mind as his stomach already wants to be fed.

Meanwhile, Taehyung prods at Jimin's costume, growing curious. "How do you breathe in that?"

"I don't." Jimin whines, flapping his arms erratically to express his dismay. "Yoongi forced me to participate in their booth than in mine."

"What's your booth supposed to be?" Namjoon asks, eyes still scanning the piece of paper.

"We're doing a zoo exhibit." Jimin says, puffing his chest proudly. "You should stop by Namjoon, I'll come with."

"Alright." Namjoon agrees as Taehyung settles back down on the seat beside him. "I'll look forward to it."

When Jimin finally lets Taehyung go, he prances to the kitchen--which is really just a big tent to the side of the room--and bumps into Yoongi, who messes his hair up to tangles before sauntering towards Namjoon and Taehyung with a lazy smile.

"Joonie." He greets as he sits across them both, nodding to Taehyung to. "You buying anything?"

Taehyung is quick to jump on a chance, "Can't you treat us? Please?"

"Sure." Yoongi replies, humoring Taehyung. "Only Namjoon though."

"What?! Why??"

"I don't remember you contributing anything."

"Moral support, Yoongi!" Taehyung cries in indignation, catching the attention of the people inside. "I cheered you on 'till the end!"

Yoongi snickers, and Namjoon notices how he's not wearing the same costume as everyone else is.

"Why aren't you wearing a sheep costume too?" He asks, looking skeptic.

Yoongi scoffs, blowing his fringe up with a whistle. "As if I'd wear something stupid."

"As I expected." Namjoon mutters as Taehyung gasps, betrayed.

"Wear one too!"



Jin skips down the halls, feeling his chest swell with pride as he sees the various students laughing and having fun.

The meeting's already over, and instead of the usual glares thrown his way, he got small smiles of satisfaction.

Jin takes his time to stroll around, the kiss booth he had planned can wait for another hour.

For now he has to find Namjoon and see what he's up to.

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