10 : Opening

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It's three am when Namjoon hears his phone ring, the obnoxious tune of some mainstream song making his ears bleed.

Someone changed his ringtone again.

He reaches to his night stand to take the phone in his hands, glaring at the bright screen to see who's calling.

When he sees it's Jin, his immediate response is to hang up, which he does.

He stares down at the blank screen until reality comes crashing down that he's just hung up on Jin of all people.

"Shit." Namjoon mutters, sitting up quickly to dial Jin and call him back. It takes a few rings until Jin answers with a hum.

"You hung up." Jin says, amused.

"Sorry not sorry." Is his nonplussed reply, his voice still hoarse from sleep. "It's your fault for calling so early."

"Do you like the new ringtone?"

"Debatable." He mumbles, rubbing his eyes to remove any trace of slumber. "Whatcha need?"

"You sound drunk when you're sleepy."

"Are you just going to keep yapping or do I have to hang up again."

"Fine. I called to tell you that I have fantastic news!" Jin exclaims, voice incredibly light for someone who's awake at an ungodly hour.

"Would that great news wait until, I don't know-" Namjoon glances at the clock on the wall, "-you give me three more hours of sleep?"

Jin laughs at him from the other end of the line, "You're a funny guy Namjoon."

"I'd like to think so." Namjoon says, voice still devoid of any emotion as he plops back down on the bed. "So how did you get my number?"

"What are you talking about? I gave it to you weeks ago."

Namjoon blinks.

"Shit, really?"

Jin snorts in laughter, "You know, if you really are drunk, I won't tell."

"I'm not drunk." He drawls in a not so convincing way. "I'm just--my brain's dead." Namjoon mentally kicks himself--good job brain.

He hears Jin gasps dramatically, "That's tragic, Joonie." He exclaims, his voice nowhere near worried. "I can't have my secretary walking around so vulnerable."

"I'm so glad you're worried." Namjoon deadpans, "Just give me the news already."

"I assigned you to man the kissing booth."

Namjoon is suddenly wide awake.

"What?!" He screeches, but he remembers it's too early in the morning to be testing his vocal chords, so he whispers his next words. "Why would you?"

"Because Joonie," Jin starts, "Everyone's doing something and I don't want to just stand there and do nothing!"

"So of all the things you want to do..." Namjoon tries to understand why someone would voluntarily do that kind of booth, yet fails to. "...you want to do a kissing booth?"


"You literally just stand there and get kissed." Namjoon explains in case it could get Jin to change his mind. "Jin it's the same thing."

"It's doing something easy and hauls in decent cash pretty fast." He points out, Namjoon can practically hear his grin.

"Do I have to remind you that I don't have a pretty face like you."

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