27 : Lonely

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Namjoon stares out his window, his sore body complaining as he forces himself to sit up. He's feeling a little restless, uncomfortable at the thought of not being able to do anything at all.

He shifts again, wiggling his toes and moving his arms around to stretch them a little, yelping when his right arm bumps into something solid through the sheets. He lifts his blanket and finds his phone delicately wedges in between, almost dangling the edge.

With a little struggle, he manages to pluck it off and cradle it in his hands, staring at it contemplatively.

He knows Jin's responsible enough to handle himself and that leaving him alone won't cause any harm, but his hand itches to hold his phone and give him a call, nevertheless.

The screen lights up with a press of a button, it reads 12:43. Jin's probably on a lunch break right now.

A great time to call.

Slipping down on his back a little, he groans under his breath. Has the fever gotten to him? Thinking of such weird thoughts, he probably needs some more sleep. He barely initiates contact with Jin, if he calls out of the blue, the latter would make a very big deal out of it.

Yet he doesn't stop staring at the screen.


Jin flinches in surprise, caught off guard by the obnoxious ringing of his phone. He lowers the sandwich he was currently gnawing at and pauses the drama on his laptop, grumpily fishing out the device out of his pocket.

He's made it clear to anyone that any calls and messages are left on hold while he's in the middle of his lunch drama-fests, it's the only period he gets his alone-time. He's about to reject it automatically until he sees the caller ID.


Jin double takes and stares at the screen in disbelief.

The only time Namjoon had called him was when he worried about Jin messing everything up because he wasn't there to keep him in control. Was he still hung up about it?

Now that Jin thinks about it, maybe Namjoon had forgotten to give him something? That's the only logical reasoning Jin can think of that Namjoon would actually call for.

Before he could snap back to reality and swipe accept, his phone's screen goes black.

Shit. Jin hastes to call Namjoon back, it takes him three rings until he hears the other's familliar drawl.

"What the fuck Jin."

Jin grins triumphantly.

"You called?"

"Yeah, uh." There's shuffling from his end of the line, Jin assumes he's still in bed. "Just wanted to say hi."

"Namjoon, you never say hi."

"Well shit." Namjoon replies, voice sharp and offended. "You're right. I'll just hang up now an--"

"Not that I mind, geez." Jin interrupts before he can end the call, trying to smother his snicker. "This is very welcome development. Let's call each other more often to say hi and not just bitch about me probably fucking up the whole school."

There's silence on Namjoon's end for a while before he replies. "Well, you do give me plenty of things to doubt you on."

"Your words hurt Joonie." Jin says, chuckling. "But I love you anyway."

"How's school?" Namjoon mumbles next, ignoring Jin's little statement. Jin lets him change the subject, going along with a hum.

"Alright." He taps on the table rhythmically, sparing his laptop a glance. "Yoongi saw us kissing."

He hears Namjoon choke and cough on the other line and he feels slightly apologetic for him.

"How?!" Namjoon exclaims, "There wasn't much of a crowd left outside that time!"

"This is Yoongi we're talking about. He's a master at gathering gossip."

"...You think he'll tell?"

"Nah. He'll probably rub it in your face for a while, though."

Namjoon sighs, "Can't be helped I guess."

"Ah, but you don't regret my heavenly lips descending upon yours?"

"Talk like that again and I just might."

"So you didn't!"

Namjoon laughs lightly, "No. Not really."

Jin leans back on his chair triumphantly, "My charm wins over another unsuspecting heart."

"You mean unwilling."

"You just admitted you didn't regret it."

"Didn't mean I was willing to kiss you, you know."

Jin's smile drops, "Great Namjoon. Thanks for dropping my mood."

"Pleasure." Namjoon replies nonchalantly. "I'd expected a better first kiss you know."

"Ah, so picky." Jin complains, spinning around his chair. "Namjoon you better change that attitude or you won't get a boyfriend."

"I might get a girlfriend instead you know."

"No you won't."

"And how would you know?"

"Because I'm not a girl Joonie." Jin explains with a leisurely grin, "Ah, unless you're into cross dressing--"

"Please shut up Jin."

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