19 : Understanding

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They reach the other cafe which was, surprisingly enough, set up in the rooftop like a hanging garden. Pots of plants and flowers decorated the area, with chairs and tables neatly lined up in proper symmetry.

"Look at this." Namjoon mutters as they walk around. He caresses one of the bonsais on display with a serene look on his face.

"This place looks beautiful and I didn't even feel it pinch the budget."

Behind him Jimin scoffs, "Are you trying to say something?" Jimin says, feeling personally attacked all of a sudden. "We needed the pillows, okay."

They find a seat just next to a looming bush, Jimin plops on the chair noisily as Namjoon follows in suite, a little gentler when he sits.

Jin sighs, "Don't mind him Chimchim." He waves off any further comment from the younger with a gentle smile as he takes a seat as well. "He just gets really rude when he hasn't had his lunch yet."

"Don't make it sound like I'm a kid." Namjoon mutters with a frown.

It melts back into an easy going smile when a student passes by to give their menus, he takes it with a polite 'thank you'.

The menu's filled with tasty basic dishes, with a few desserts listed at the bottom. Namjoon tries to calculate in his head how much he'd be spending for himself so he can have enough to save for today.

And of course, for his two companions as well.

Despite his mom giving him a larger budget than usual for today, he doesn't want to splurge the cash immediately.

"Get this one for us." Jin orders, as expected, his gaze immediately settling on the desserts. Namjoon leans over to scan the menu, eyes landing on the cake he's pointing at, flinching when he sees the price.


"Come on." Jin whines, tugging on his sleeve. "Whatever money you lose, we can earn back later at the kissing booth." He reasons, a small smirk creeping on his lips.

Namjoon groans, annoyed at the reminder. "You're making me lose my appetite."

"It's not just for me, you know." Jin says reproachfully, gesturing to Jimin, who looks up in attention. "Chimchim want to taste their molten lava cake too."

"What?" Jimin mutters, confused.

Jin nudges Jimin forcing him to play along with a pointed look.

Namjoon can faintly hear Jin whisper 'It's free food' which deepens his frown.

Jimin catches on with an embarrassed squawk. "I mean, yeah!" He exclaims, giving Namjoon a wary look. "It sounds tasty..."

Namjoon stares daggers into the both of them.

Jimin gives him a sheepish laugh, "Please?" He asks, complete with his usual eye smile and head tilt.

Namjoon crumbles easily.

"You're lucky Jimin's cute." Namjoon mutters to Jin, who happily high-fives Jimin for his effort.

Jin considers his statement before pouting, placing both elbows on the table to cradle his cheeks. "And I'm not?"

"You're horrible."

"Horribly adorable, you mean." Jin says grinning from ear to ear. Namjoon ignores him in favor of calling up a waiter.


Jungkook awkwardly squirms in his seat, trying to mask his gaze under the menu he held just right above his eyes. He doesn't know why he's still stalking them, but he supposes he'll go along with his whims.

He's sitting at an angle where Jin's back is to him and Namjoon's slightly out of view. Jimin's side profile is visible to him, and he has to keep ducking down to make sure he doesn't get caught under his gaze.

"Really?" He hears Jin exclaim, and he has to strain his ears to hear it through the background noises. "So that's why you're extra cranky!"

"A good half of our budget went to those pillows, you know." Namjoon replies, voice low and weary. He sees him take a big swig of his drink, heaving a loud sigh right after. "I swear to god Yoongi's going to pay for it back."

Jungkook thinks Namjoon looks like a drunkard ranting at a bar. He keeps the thought to himself.

"We did make a lot of money." Jimin chimes in, looking a little frantic to assure Namjoon. "I'm sure we can pay back all the money he--we wasted!" He says, stuttering through the sentence when he realizes he's part of their group too.

"That doesn't change the fact that they just ripped up some pillows and pasted the fluff on the walls!"


So that's where all the cotton came from.

"To be fair," Jin starts, "From the moment they accepted the delivery those pillows were their responsibility already." He offers sagely, "Don't get so salty over it Joonie."

Namjoon is quick to reply, "I'm not salty." He grits out.

"Right." Jin snorts, amused. "And I'm not gay."

There's a beat of silence and Jungkook can't believe he's hearing all of this.

"Okay so maybe I'm a little bit salty." Namjoon murmurs after a while.

What the fuck, Jungkook thinks.

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