7 : Exciting

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Namjoon ran through the halls, his test papers in hand; the urge to come and check on Jin getting stronger by the second.

He passed the test with flying colors, enough to make him shed a tear. His record had a little smudge now for taking make-up tests, but he couldn't be bothered to care.

The grades he's been working so hard on won't be pulled down by some petty subject he's bad at at least.

Now he's free to take it easy and breathe--just not right now.

He has to check up on Jin.

The screech of his shoes break through the silence as he turns the corner, dashing towards the door aptly labeled as the 'Lounge'.

He grabs the knob and twists forcefully, ignoring his control over his own strength for a moment as he wrenches it open.

"Jin!" He shouts, his adrenaline making his voice louder than usual.

Jin jumps, his gaze immediately fixated on him when he appears, looking genuinely spooked.

Just as he was about to speak, Namjoon nearly tips out of balance as the knob snaps detached from the wooden door.

He stumbles forward, eyes wide as he regains his footing. When his balance is back he stills, the room silent, as he held the broken knob in his hands.

Namjoon's face pales.


Jin's expression is calm, but not amused.

"Did you break the door..." He says, voice monotone before it slips into his usual lilt. "Or are you just happy to see me?"

"I broke the door."

Jin frowns, imitating a dog whining for attention. "So not happy to see me?"

Namjoon feels the need to repeat his statement.

"I just broke a door."

"Yes Namjoon I can see that." Jin quips, "I'm asking if you missed me."

"No I didn't." Namjoon deadpans, walking up to him and slamming the knob down on his table.

Jin leans back on his chair. "This is a great conversation already."

Meanwhile, Jimin waves hello from his seat on the chair. "Hi..." He greets, feeling a little awkward to intrude. "...Namjoon."

"Oh, Jimin. You're here?" Namjoon says, squinting at Jimin as he shifts in his seat.

"Your eyes are getting worse." Jin comments, "Is it your eyes or your attention span though?"

Namjoon elects to ignore Jin, just as Jimin replies. "I'm here for the delivery." He says, a smile on his face as Namjoon collapses on his own chair behind a desk.

"Oh right. You had that." He mutters, letting the test papers rest on the table.

"Getting a little rusty, Joonie." Jin says, pushing a pile of papers in his direction.

"Maybe you need some help getting back in shape?"

Namjoon stands up from his chair with a groan, taking the stack from Jin's table and moving it to his. "When's the delivery coming in?" He asks, going back to plop on his chair.

"Not too long now." Jin answers, twirling the pen in his hands. He sends Jimin a curious look, "What room are you using for the cafe?." He asks, smiling at the younger.

"Yoongi's homeroom." He says, fiddling with his sleeves. "The whole class agreed on the idea anyway."

"Unity. So cute." Jin comments, causing Jimin to grin.

Namjoon grumbles, flipping through the papers. "Someone named Bambam wants a real life elephant for their animal themed exhibit."

"Give them one."


The next day arrives and everyone is frantic.

It's only two more days until the festival opens, and classes have been officially postponed by the admin for the students to prepare.

Namjoon patrols the halls, monitoring the students and each of their booths to see how they're holding up.

Jin lingers behind him, interacting with them more personally as he chats them about nonsensical things.

"Jin!" Namjoon calls when he takes a particularly long time to come back to his side, "Hurry up! We've got the fourth years to check!"

Jin's attention snaps back to him, and he frowns. "Yeah. I know." He says, waving a dismissive hand at him.

He says a quick goodbye to the students he's been chatting with, and follows Namjoon up the stairs.

"You've got to calm down." Jin says when he matches the younger's steps, "Everyone's doing their best to reach the deadline, you know."

"I know." Namjoon replies, gritting his teeth. "But as part of the council we need to keep them in line." He adds, giving Jin a sideways glance.

"By that I mean, no slacking off."

Jin scoffs, shaking his head as they reach the next floor. "I wasn't slacking off, I was doing my job."

"You were distracting them."

"I can't help but be distracting."


"Fine." Jin acquiesces, crossing his arms. "I'll be a good president and stay in my lane."

Namjoon sighs in relief, clutching the notebook in his hands tighter as they weave through the crowds of busy fourth years.

He spots something large to the side of his vision, someone's forcing them inside a classroom.

"Min-hyuk!" Someone screams from behind, both Jin and Namjoon turn to look and see Bambam running through the halls. "Don't hurt him!"

He passes them and Jin raises a brow as the boy approaches the one carrying the giant--

--plushie of an elephant.

Namjoon turns to Jin with a glare just as Bambam does the same to the one named Min-hyuk. "Be extra careful! The president told me to keep him a secret!"

"Keep this a secret?" Min-hyuk asks, looking exasperated and tired from all the pushing he's been doing. "Why and how would you keep this a secret?"

"He said the elephant's cost was over budget." Bambam explains, "I had to beg just to get that, you know."

Namjoon heaves a sigh, turning to Jin with a weary look.

"I hope you know what you're doing."

Jin smiles.

"Of course I do. I'm making this year's festival exciting."

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