9 : Helping

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Namjoon grunts as he carries a rather large load of props on his way to Taehyung's homeroom, with a pouting Jin in tow.

"You should've told me they were going to wear cute-ass costumes." Jin mutters, dejected at the sight of Taehyung walking ahead of them wearing a snazzy suit. "I wanted to wear one too."

Namjoon huffs, "Then wear one. Nothing's stopping you from prancing around the hallway looking like an idiot." He says, groaning as he transfers the bag to his right hand to let the other rest.

Namjoon's words only made Jin frown even more, "Mean. Remind me to get ice cream for the both of us later so you can cool your head." He mutters, giving Namjoon a look. "You're extra talkative when you're stressed."

"Jin, any festival preparations should be done today so rehearsals can begin tomorrow." Namjoon reminds him, returning his look of annoyance. "As soon as this day is done I swear you won't hear me talk at all." He reasons, already imagining himself passed out on the floor and possibly dead.

Jin, however, doesn't find his reply amusing and instead grows even more upset, looking away and clicking his tongue.

Taehyung rounds the corner and eventually leads them to his room, where other people have already hung up black curtains to make the room darker and creepier. Namjoon dumps the bag next to the open door and stretches, relishing at the way his bones popped.

"Alright, so what do you want us to do?" Namjoon asks, putting both hands on his hips with a sigh. Taehyung taps his chin, looking thougtful before he chirps happily, "Help us make some weapons. We need it for decoration, some for the game." Beside him Jin looks excited; anything related to arts and crafts were his forte.

Namjoon plops himself down on the floor, reaching for the bag and rummaging through it vigorously. "Alright. Any specific weapons in mind?" He says, a little bit of exhaustion creeping in his voice.

"Just the usual stuff you use to chop and stab people." Taehyung says in all seriousness, dumping his own load of materials on the floor.

Jin relunctantly sits along with Namjoon, twisting his legs to cross them. "We could just find a table and work there, Joonie." He states, gesturing to the hallway. "We're kinda blocking the way here."

"Hallway's big enough." Namjoon mutters, handing Jin a piece of cardboard and scissors. "Here, cut out a dagger for me."

Jin rolls his eyes but doesn't complain as he starts cutting out a rough outline.


"I'm really glad I found someone to help me with this!" Jimin exclaims as he kept the haul of pillows he had steady. He looks back at the brunette following him from behind. "Thanks by the way!"

Jungkook, who didn't have any problem carrying his load of pillows, awkwardly returned his smile. "No problem." He mutters, giving the other a worried look. "Why do you need these pillows anyway?"

"It's for our booth." Jimin hums thoughtfully, grunting when he nearly bumps into someone. "A nap cafe."

Jungkook makes a face. "Nap cafe..?" He tries saying it himself, but it still sounds weird.

"One of my good friends suggested it." Jimin recalls darkly, "It's the best idea we've got so we went with it."

"Best idea." Jungkook mutters to himself. "You realize you can just do a normal cafe?"

Jimin shrugs, and continues to wobble briskly to Yoongi's class. "We'll just have to go with it." He says with a grin.

Jungkook remains skeptic, but chooses to remain silent on the topic. Jimin stops in front of him, and he assunes they're already at their stop. Jimin tries to open the door, whining when he cant grip it properly with his small hands.

"I'll do it." Jungkook says, taking pity on his short upperclassman. He clicks the door open for him and lets Jimin stride in first, "Thanks!" Jimin says, a little embarrassed.

When Jimin comes through the door, some people rush over to take the pillows off of him. Jungkook, not expecting anyone to notice him, silently walks in next and places the pillows near the door.

"Took you a while." Yoongi says, approaching Jimin. "Then again, it was my mistake to send someone so small to take the delivery."

Jimin gasps, affronted look on his face. "I'm not--" He starts to say, but his expression falters when he realizes he's right. "--yeah it's definitely your fault."

Yoongi chuckles, amused. He notices Jungkook by the door, standing awkwardly. He raises a brow at Jimin, "You got somebody to help you?"

Jimin splutters, "H-He offered to help me!"

"I guess you looked real pitiful."

'He did.' Jungkook thinks, remembering how Jimin kept trying to carry all the pillows, but only suceeded in fitting two or three in his arms.

"Anyway, " Yoongi says, pushing Jimin aside playfully. "Thanks for helping the midget, um..."

"Jungkook." He says, nodding his head. "And it's no problem."

"Cool. You're free to come check out our cafe and get free food." Yoongi replies, patting a hand on his shoulder. "But if you want, you can stay and help..."


"Joonie it's crooked!" Jin yells directly to his ear, making him cringe.

"Why does it matter? It's just a prop, they won't notice." He reasons, running his ears, hoping it'll make the pain go away.

"Just because it's a prop doesn't mean it has to be not perfect!" Jin continues to berate him, inspecting the finished sword's hilt. "I mean look at this! It's crooked and cracked!"

"It's just the handle, Jin."

"It's the sword's base." Jin explains, his voice taking it's usual dramatic flair. "What would you be if you had crooked and cracked feet?"

"I'd be a person with crooked and cracked feet." Namjoon deadpans, snatching the sword away to inspect it. "But in all seriousness, I don't think that's possible Jin."

Jin huffs, cutting up rectangles from a spare cardboard piece. "Whatever. Give me it, I'll fix your mistake Namjoon."

"You make it sound so horrible." Namjoon grumbles, handing it to Jin with a sigh. "That's the last prop we can make, anyway."

"Really?" Jin asks, lifting his head to peer at the weapons splayed on the floor. "Oh that's fast. I was expecting it to take a while."

"That's because I've been the one doing most of the work." Namjoon explains, thinking about his words for a moment before shaking his head. "Wait no. I did everything. You were just breathing down my neck the whole time."

"I cut out a dagger!" Jin yelps.

"That was the extent of what you contributed."

"Cut me some slack." Jin says, flopping to his back with a tired sigh. "I haven't had breakfast and lunch yet."

Namjoon's gaze snaps to him, "Breakfast and lunch?"

"Well if you count drinking cola for breakfast then--"

"You drank cola for breakfast?"

"Joonie you're being loud." Jin complains, "Yes I drank cola for breakfast."

Namjoon takes a moment to give Jin a disapproving glare, before standing up and dusting his pants off. "Alright, we're eating."

"You're treating me?"

Namjoon can already feel his wallet crying at that question.

Before Namjoon can say a relunctant yes, Taehyung comes by with a bag of fastfood. "Hey!" He greets with a grin, "It's time for a break."

Namjoon breathes a sigh of relief. "Good timing, Taehyung."

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