35 : Songs

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"I've been wondering." Jin says, rummaging through the bags he held. "You said you rap, right?"

Namjoon pauses, suddenly hyper aware. "Jin not right now."

"Why not now?" Jin hums curiously, finally finding a stick of lip balm and popping it open. He gives Namjoon a disapproving look as he applies it to his lips.

"Why don't you ask this giant elephant plushie sitting on my lap?" Namjoon deadpans, making the plushie jiggle a bit.

Jin scoffs, unamused. "Alright." He turns to address the stuffed toy with a playful frown. "Can you tell Namjoon I want to go karaoke so I can hear him rap?"

Namjoon shakes the plushie's head no.

"Stop controlling his decisions." Jin scolds, popping the lip balm back into the bag as he does.

Namjoon frowns, confused. "What are you talking about. He can't speak for himself." He continues to shake the toy's head in demonstration.

"Yes he can." Jin interjects, turning the plushie around so it faces Namjoon and covers his face.

"I want to hear Namjoon rap too." Jin says in a pitched, cutesy voice. He tilts his head to acknowledge Namjoon's scandalized expression. "See?"


"Come on! It's been a while since our last date." Jin complains, nudging him insistently.

"Date?" Namjoon asks, dumbfounded. "You call running in the rain a date?"

"I was talking about the time we went to the cake store but," Jin leans back on his seat in amusement, "Your call Joonie."

Namjoon heaves a heavy sigh and stands up from his seat. "It's getting late."

"Karaoke isn't cool unless it's at night." Jin continues to persuade, "Come on! It'll be fun!" He says as he tries to tug Namjoon back.

"Jin, there has been a lot of things you called fun." Namjoon glares.

"And have I been wrong?"

"You should know."

"Just one song from you." Jin states, trying to strike a deal with him. "The rest I don't mind singing."

"So you're holding me hostage until you've had your singing fill?"


Namjoon sighs as Jin tugs him towards the karaoke booths nearby.


Namjoon shuffles awkwardly in his seat.

He's only ever visited the karaoke with friends--a lot of them. Now that he's alone with Jin, it feels too...weird.

He's startled back into consciousness when Jin hands him a handful of coins.

"What?" He manages to say, "The fuck are these for?"

"Language." Jin scolds before giving him an answer, "It's for the songs. We're going to sing ten."

Namjoon frowns, staring at the coins in disgust. "Ten songs? Really?"

"It's just like thirty-minutes." Jin snatches the coins away with a mocking frown and slides them all in the karaoke box.

He sits back on the seat next to Namjoon, holding the mic expectantly.

Namjoon huffs and lets the stuff toy lay between him and Jin.

"So." Jin starts.

"So?" Namjoon parrots back, irritated.

"Wanna rap?"

Namjoon stares at the song book warily, "You go first."

Jin pouts, "Namjoon."

"I'll be like the finishing act or whatever." Namjoon mutters dismissively. "Go on." He motions for Jin to sing, earning him a shrug.

"Alright then." Jin immediately types in a number, seemingly memorized the song sequences. "In it goes!"


They're halfway into the 9th song when Namjoon heaves a sigh.

He listens to Jin delicately hitting the notes on the ballad, making weird motions with his hands as well.

There's the occasional flirty look thrown his way too, but he ignores that in favor in listening to him sing.

Jin's voice isn't so bad.

The song reaches it's peak and Jin hits a hard note with ease.

Okay, Namjoon thinks, maybe his voice is pretty good.

The song ends and Jin twirls the microphone in his hands as the screen shows a score of '94'. He chuckles in amusement.

"Namjoon." He calls playfully.

Namjoon blinks, "Uh, what?"

"I'm done." Jin says, gesturing to the screen.

"Oh, let's go home then."

"No." Jin drawls out, glaring at him. "I said I'm done."

Namjoon shrugs in further into his seat.

"Joonie." Jin says, "You said you'd rap."

"Uh, I can but--" He cuts himself off, looking for a way to get out of the situation. "--only the songs I've made."

"Hm." Jin answers, leaning back on his seat in thought. "Alright."

Thank god.

"Rap it." Jin says, pointing the microphone at him. "Doesn't matter if it has music or not."

"What about the last song?" Namjoon questions, as a last ditch resort to escaping.

"I'll sing it later." Jin retorts, determined. "Come on, just one little verse."

Namjoon sighs and takes the mic, clearing his throat. Jin watches in anticipation, grinning freely.

Well, here goes.

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