22 : Talk

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After the small booth has been put away, Jin decides he wants to hang out in the gardens next, much to Namjoon's chagrin.

"Can't we take a break." Namjoon mutters under his breath as he leans back on the wall, watching as Jin buys both of them crepes from the stall set up next to the lounge. "I've been running around school since this morning."

"We are taking a break." Jin says, his back turned to him as he pays. "What else are we going to the gardens for?"

"I don't know." Namjoon mutters, too used to Jin's antics by now. He's far too used to Jin suddenly coming up with an idea and following through it halfway through the day. "Something."

Jin rolls his eyes at this, finally turning back to hand Namjoon his treat. "You're giving me too much credit." He says, patting Namjoon's arm as he walks ahead. "I can only have one genius idea at a time."

"So you call that kissing booth genius?"

"Didn't we make a ton of money of it?" Jin says, confused.

"Translation, the both of you did." Namjoon elaborates, a frown on his face as he takes a bite off his crepe. "I made $12 off it."

"So? That's not bad."

Namjoon turns to Jin, a challenging glint in his eyes. "How much did you make?"

Jin is quiet for a few moments, before he quietly chimes '$44'. Namjoon nods to himself, winning the argument.

And so they continue their walk in silence, with the occasional small talk in between.

Namjoon, being Namjoon, still feels very uncomfortable at Jin's presence.

He can't really pretend the kiss earlier hadn't bothered him one bit, because it did, so he settles for awkward acceptance on the matter.

What he can't accept is the thoughts buzzing through his mind, filled with confusion and an odd sense of acceptance.

Namjoon's going to go crazy from all this.

Jin doesn't seem shaken, in fact, his mood is significantly brighter. He's practically skipping as they walk. In contrast to Namjoon, who's dragging his feet just to walk.

Jin notices Namjoon lagging behind him, and he turns to him with a frown. "Namjoon, did the kiss fuck you up that much or are you just checking my ass out?"

"First one." Namjoon mutters. "Why did you even want to kiss me?"

Jin shrugs, "I'm just exploiting my idea. I gave Hoseok a kiss too."

Namjoon is relieved and at the same time peeved at this revelation, "So that means you also gave him a kiss on the--"

"--cheek." Jin finishes with a smile. "A nice loving kiss on the cheek."

Namjoon's relief is drowned by the dread he feels at Jin's statement. "So why--"

"The customer's always right, Namjoon." Jin interrupts, waving his crepe in the air. "Are you questioning what I wanted?"

"Yes." Namjoon mutters, his pace even slower than before.

Jin shrugs and doesn't reply, only slowing his steps so he'd be in the same pace as Namjoon. The latter doesn't seem to like this idea, but lets him be.

"That was my first kiss." Namjoon states, his tone accusatory. Jin laughs at this, bumping shoulders with him as they continue their little stroll.

"Oh please," Jin scoffs, sending him a sardonic smirk. "Your first kiss got stolen by some random stranger earlier."

Namjoon groans, hiding his face in his hands. "That doesn't count."

"Why not?" Jim taunts, on the verge of laughter. "Am I a special case?"

"In a way. But not in the way you think." Namjoon murmurs, earning him a well deserved jab to the side. "Ow."

"Yeah. Ow." Jin repeats mockingly.

Namjoon rubs the ache it forms and glares at Jin, "I hoped you washed yoir mouth before you kissed me."

"Of course." Jin replies, sweet tone dripping with sarcasm. "Anything for my Joonie."

"I'm serious. You kissed a ton of girls."

"I kissed some boys too."

Namjoon's frown deepens and Jin chuckles.

"Does that make you jealous?'

Jin laughter grows louder as Namjoon remains quiet, finishing the rest of his crepe.

"You're cute, Namjoon."

Peculiar You •• Namjin AUWhere stories live. Discover now