21 : (Actual) Kisses

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Namjoon is suffering.

To his right Hoseok is flocked by girls and youngsters, lining up to get sweet kisses from the human sunshine.

To his left Jin is equally swarmed, or even more so, with girls. Their piercing shrieks making him deaf every time Jin so much as talks to them, especially when they finally receive their kisses.

And in the middle of it all, was Namjoon.

Again, suffering.

Though to his surprise people do line up to get a kiss from him, albeit fewer than the other two.

His clientele was much more tame and quiet compared to the other two, only giggling softly and blushing when they get their kisses.

Being as conservative as he is, Namjoon is thankful that he can choose to give chaste kisses rather than th--

Another screech interrupts his train of thought, making him glare at a certain president.

--unlike Jin over there.

He sighs, leaning back with his grip on the table. He doesn't know how long they're supposed to be out here for, but he wishes it's quick.

There's tapping on his table, distracting him from his grumbling, and he looks back to see Taehyung with a menacing grin plastered on his face.

"Namjoon." Taehyung says, drawling out the syllables. "How's your business?"

"Peachy." Namjoon replies darkly, eyeing him suspiciously. He's out of the mummy costume he wore earlier, now donning his usual shirt and jeans. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm helping!" Taehyung's grin widens, as if it was possible, and he leans in close. "I'm here to get kissed, duh."

"What." Namjoon says, disgusted at the notion. "I'm not kissing you, that's gay."

Taehyung is taken aback, eyes wide. "Huh?" When realization dawns on him, he wears the exact expression of horror. "No, not on the lips! Ew!" He exclaims, sticking out his tongue.

"I meant like on the forehead or something!" He continues to whine, "Ew! Pervert!"

Namjoon groans, running a hand across his face."Shut up you." He mutters, an accusatory glare fixed on him. "You're at a kissing booth, what do you expect me to think?"

"Well," Taehyung starts, but Namjoon stops him.

"And what do you mean by pervert?"

Taehyung huffs, crossing his arms. "I bet you wanted to know how it feels to kiss dudes!" He says, throwing a playful glare at Namjoon. "And you saw an opening in my vulnerable statement and snatched up the opportunity!"

"I denied your offer."

"Trick question!" Taehyung interjects, looking completely serious.

Namjoon tries his best to remain patient in spite of Taehyung's wonky logic, "It was a statement--"

"--but posed like a question!" Taehyung interrupts, as if he's cracked the code on Namjoon's intentions.

Namjoon closes his eyes and leans on the table with a rough sigh, "Just give me a dollar so I can kiss you already."

Taehyung shrugs, thankfully not posing anymore arguments, and hands him the money before leaning in to bow his head. Namjoon gives him a peck on his forehead, making him chuckle.

"It tickled." Taehyung says, still laughing. Namjoon rolls his eyes, waving the dollar he held in his hands nonchalantly.

"Thanks for the cash." He says, earning him a welcoming grin from the latter.

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