4 : Straight

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Jungkook was a nice kid, Namjoon concludes as the boy moves around behind the counter to assist the onslaught of customers rushing in.

The brunette seems really determined to do his job well, and do it well he did.

"Cute, right?" Jin teases from his seat beside him. "That's all I come here for. That cutie."

Namjoon snorts, shoving a spoonful of cake into Jin's mouth. "You sound like a pedophile."

Jin gasps, muffled through the cake. "Echoos me?!" He exclaims, swallowing before he can continue. "I'm not romantically interested, you know."

"Really?" Namjoon replies, scooping another spoonful of cake.

"I'm just into cute things." Jin chides, reaching to grab the spoon off Namjoon's hands. "Too bad you're not cute Namjoon."

"Sad truth." Namjoon mutters, not able to hold back the sarcasm.

"You're just handsome." Jin says before eating another bite.

Namjoon scoffs, ignoring Jin's wink.

They're already out of the café, mostly because Jungkook got annoyed of Jin's catcalls and loud outbursts of jokes.

Too bad. Namjoon was starting to enjoy it there.

Jungkook even gave him a little brownie cupcake as a present for being a nice customer (and for stopping most of Jin's antics).

He doesn't like to eat sweets a lot, but he'll accept it as a cute gift.

But then Jin decides to give him half a cake.

"Jin I bought you one whole cake because I was expecting you to eat it all." Namjoon states, tucking the little brownie in his bag.

"I'm just being generous." Jin says nonchalantly, "Take the half already Namjoon."

Namjoon grumbles, taking the box hesitantly. "You realized I could've bought half a cake for half the price."

"Yeah, but think about it this way." Jin gestures to both their boxes, "You bought a cake for us."

Namjoon frowns. "I didn't want cake."

"But now you have it. Deal with it Joonie." Jin smiles, moving his hands in the air exaggeratedly. "Accept thy blessings my love."

"Don't. Ever. Talk. Like. That." Namjoon deadpans, somehow offended.

"Not one for poetry, huh?"

"I'm not one for poetry when it's you."

Jin grasps his heart mockingly, closing his eyes in 'pain'. "Mine heart hurts, Namjoon of Kim."

Namjoon doesn't say anything, just accepting the fact that he has cake to stop Jin's ramblings.

But he does fix Jin a fierce glare, one which Jin pointedly ignores.

They end up walk together in silence. Not really in silence, as Jin continues to hum through the busy streets.

They pass a shop and Namjoon takes note of the time, on one of the clocks on display.

"What now." He says, his tone not really questioning.

Jin hums, surprised at the sudden question. "What do you mean 'what now'?"

"It's too early to go home." Namjoon states, the words slipping past his mouth before he could think about them.

Just as Jin's eyes widen, Namjoon regrets his words. "Wait no I mean-"

"An extended date?!" Jin exclaims, clapping his hands in excitement and running forward. "Let's go now!"

"This is not a date Jin-!" Namjoon shouts, running after Jin. "-Jin no I want to go home."

"We're going to the amusement park and we're going to take cute ass selfies!"


"Hey so." Yoongi starts, leaning on the doorframe of the council lounge. "Pillows?" He asks, looking like he was forced to inquire about them.

Jin hums, twirling a piece of his hair to curl it up. "Yes?"

"We're going to need a hundred." Yoongi says, straight to the point.


Yoongi nods, "That would be appreciated, thanks."


"And aquamarine."

Jin chuckles, continuing to play with his hair. "That's rather specific of you."

"Blue was too blue for Jimin." Yoongi mutters, annoyed at the memory.

"Well I can't deny him." Jin says happily, seemingly admiring the locks of hair he stuck up. "I'll get Namjoon to order it later."

Yoongi strokes his chin sagely, "Order some table blankets too."

"Frilly or straight?"

"Straight but not too much." Yoongi states, pausing before he continues. "Like you."

Jin pauses in his movements, before looking at Yoongi, who remained unfazed by his own words.

"I'll keep that in mind." Jin says, a smile on his lips.

"Thanks." Yoongi says, genuinely this time. "Make the blankets white."

"Of course." Jin says, "Wouldn't want them ending up Korean, now would we?"

They share a long stare before smirking in unison, Yoongi being the first one to talk.

"Of course not."

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