36 : Profile

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Jin stares at an increasingly flustered Namjoon, who shakily places the microphone back in its stand.

"Very straight forward." He murmurs, looking amused as Namjoon hunches his back, pressing himself into the wall in the hopes that it would eat him alive.

As much as Namjoon would have liked to change the lyrics, he doesn't have that much brain capacity left, and he ended up rapping the whole thing raw.

About halfway through he realized he probably should have picked a different song, but the damage is done.

Namjoon flushes, rubbing his hands across reddened cheeks. "Uh, well. You know." He mutters, his brain short-circuiting already.

"I really wanna hear it with the music now." Jin says to himself, a determined lilt to his voice.

That's definitely not going to happen, Namjoon thinks, panicking.

"Next time." Namjoon feebly dismisses.

When he realizes what he'd said, he's already too late to take it back.

"Wait I don't mean--"

Jin claps his hands, "Great! It's a promise then."

Namjoon slides down further on his seat in embarrasment. His back hurts but his dignity hurts more.

"So what made you write it?" Jin prods as he peers at Namjoon's face, who attempts to hide weakly. "Judging by the lyrics you sounded terribly horny."

Namjoon chokes.


Jin raises a brow, "What?" He sounds affronted, like he wholeheartedly believes 'yes Namjoon was very horny when he made this'.

Namjoon grumbles. He wasn't wrong, but he'd like to not talk about it please.

"Namjoon, you were talking about pus--"

Namjoon makes a desperate noise and pushes himself off the couch to stand up. "That's enough out of you." He says, slinging his bag over his shoulder, a hand already on the door. "Can we go now?"

Jin rolls his eyes, reminding himself to ask again later. "Sure." He concedes, taking out his phone. "After we take a selfie."

Namjoon purses his lips. He plops back down on the seat with a tired sigh. Might as well go with it, or he won't hear the end of it from Jin.

"...Whatever, just make it quick." He mutters, pinching the bridge of his nose.

Jin hums merrily, swiping through his phone. He's halfway through taking the picture when he turns to look back at Namjoon, pouting.

"Actually can we use your phone? It has a better camera." He pleads, a sweet smile on his face.

Namjoon frowns, relunctantly fishing his phone out of his back pocket.

"I don't have those filter apps you like, though." He tries to say, but Jin snatches it out of his hands anyway, humming to himself.

"It's okay, I'm naturally handsome anyway."

And with that statement, Namjoon's abruptly reminded of how plain he looks compared to the campus sweetheart Jin.

It must've shown on his face because the next thing he knew, Jin's pinching his cheeks fondly.

"Of course, you're very handsome too."

Namjoon tries to hide his blushing cheeks with a scowl. "Just take the damn picture."

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