26 : Absent

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"Jin?" Jimin asks when he notices Namjoon's absence by his side. "Where's Namjoon?"

Jin stills, peering up from the papers he'd been reading through.

"Oh, um." He starts, sounding a little sheepish. "About that..."


"Jin I'm going to murder you." Namjoon spits--or rather croaks--from his bed, sniffling as he spoke in a nasally voice.

"Not in that condition you're not." His mother tuts, tucking him back in the covers when he tries to sit up.

Jin stands in the doorway, amused at how Namjoon has fell prey to his mother's doting yet again. "Jin's here to take the homework you were supposed to pass today." She says, nodding to him in thanks. Jin replies with a smile and a slight smile.

"What a good friend you are."

Jin grins at her, waving the notebook tauntingly in his hands at Namjoon. "Yeah, I'm such a great friend. Aren't I Joonie?"

"Why aren't you sick?" Namjoon mutters, groaning when he tries to move. "You spent more time in the rain than me."

"Maybe I just have a better immune system than you." Jin remarks, shaking his head mockingly. "Which reminds me, you gotta eat heal--"

Namjoon cuts him off with through gritted teeth, "Get out."

"Namjoon!" His mom reprimands, slapping him on the arm. Namjoon groans, sighing in defeat.

"Get out. Please."


"Oh." Jimin mutters, blinking down at his hands. "You guys shouldn't have charged into the rain like that."

Jin shrugs, spinning in his chair languidly. "I know, but it was fun seeing Namjoon all riled up."

Jimin grins, "He's going to kill you when he's better."

"That'll take like, four days." Jin says, "I'll have some time before my untimely death."


Knocking at the door, Jin leans back on the wall beside it with a sigh. He waits for someone to open it, picking at his nails for a while before the door creaks open, revealing a curious Hoseok.

"Oh, hey there president." He says, blinking owlishly. "Pretty rare for you to come over here."

Jin chuckles slightly, handing him the papers in his hands. "Namjoon passed me his assignment to give out to you." He shrugs when Hoseok takes them with a frown, "What's wrong?"

"Ah, well..." He mutters, "It's just that it's not really due today." Hoseok folds it carefully so it'll settle comfortably in his grip. "But we can pass it today anyway, if we want to."

"Huh." Jin crosses his arms in thought, staring out the window.

"You didn't think he just called me over to see if I was sick too, did he?" He murmurs in thought. That would be quite a flattering thought; Namjoon making up excuses to see him.

It's Hoseok's turn to shrug, slipping outside and closing the door behind him to stand pondering with Jin. "I don't know man." He replies, scratching the back of his neck. "How's your relationship status."

"Pretty good."


"We kissed."

"I know."

Jin pauses, "Wait, hold on." He says, turning to the younger in disbelief. "You know?"

"Yep." Hoseok says, emphasizing the 'p' with a smack of his lips. He's leaning back on the door with a smirk, matching what Jin would usually wear. "Got my sources from the one and only Min Yoongi."

"Sneaky." Jin remarks, his disbelief morphing to amusement. "As expected from him."

"Just so you know, he's not planning on using it as blackmail." Hoseok comments offhandedly, "He'll probably try to embarrass the shit out of Namjoon, though."


Hoseok gives him a look, "So..." He trails off, crossing his arms like Jin. "...Are you two like a thing now?"

"No." Jin snaps back quickly, a sharp glint in his eye before he closes it in resignation. "Namjoon's not exactly easy to woo."

"Dude. You kissed him."

Jin waves dismissively, "I played it off as a joke."

Hoseok hums, "It'll take some time. This is Namjoon we're talking about."

Jin shrugs.

"I think he already likes me." He drawls out, a frown on his face. "But it's still a long way 'till he likes me."

"Any deadline you want to bet on?" Hoseok asks jokingly, "Until he likes you."

"I don't know." Jin mutters. "Hopefully before I fall out of love or something."

Hoseok considers his words, "Well, will you?"

Jin smiles.


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