32 : Feelings

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"I feel like an asshole."

"That's because you are one."

Namjoon groans, ruffling his own hair as he slumps down on the table. Hoseok sitting from across him snorts, and pats his head.

"I'm just confused, okay?"

Hoseok raises a brow. "How dense do you have to be to be so oblivious to blatant affection and constantly reject said affection?"

"Jin's naturally affectionate."

"He kissed you."

Namjoon slams his head on the table, startling some of his classmates into silence. "I know and I liked it!"

Hoseok makes a noise of distress, "Then why do you keep rejecting him?!"

"Because!" Namjoon screams, looking at Hoseok with panic. "J-Just because!!"

He gets slapped in the face as a reply.


Yoongi snorts, "He doesn't even have a reason for rejecting Jin all this time? Wow."

"Yeah, Jin has a lot of work to do with him." Hoseok mutters, sipping from his juice like it's tea.

Namjoon grumbles from his seat across them.

"I'm right here."

"Did you hear something?" Yoongi says, pretending to perk up and look around for the source of the sound.

Namjoon scowls.

"Huh?" Hoseok questions, pretending to look confused. "What did it sound like?"

"A man in denial."

Slumping in defeat on the table, Namjoon sighs. "I hate you guys."

"There it is again." Yoongi deadpans.

"This place is probably haunted." Hoseok comments, pretending to shiver in fright. "Let's eat somewhere else Yoongi."

Yoongi huffs in agreement, but doesn't move an inch. "Agreed."


"Namjoon's ignoring Jin?" Jimin repeats, curious. "How do you know that, Kookie?"

"It's Jungkook," The brunette corrects him sternly, "And it's pretty obvious from the way Jin's been wandering around alone."

"Did they fight or something?"

"Probably, I'm not sure." Jungkook groans and slumps on his desk further. "Shouldn't I be pretty happy right now?"


"I have a crush on Jin, remember?"

Jimin laughs nervously, "Oh yeah." He mutters, fiddling with the cuffs of their uniform. "You're not really the type to talk about it so much so I kind of forgot that was a thing..."

"I kinda did too."

"What?" Jimin asks, surprised.

"What." Jungkook parrots back.

They both stare at each other.

Jimin stands up from his seat. "You forgot you had a crush on Jin?"

Jungkook grunts in reply, "Well it's more like... I don't feel that strongly about it anymore."

Jimin frowns. "...Was it even a crush?"

Jungkook gives him a look and Jimin returns it with one of his own; Jungkook sighs.

"...This is why I'm weird."

"What? No! Just--" Jimin struggles to keep Jungkook's mood up, "You were so bothered about it back in the festival and now it's just..."

Jungkook raises a brow, "Just?"

"Oh." Jimin stops in realization. "Ohh."

"What is it? Did you figure out what's wrong with me?" Jungkook mutters in despair.

"I think...yeah, I think you didn't have a crush on Jin."

"Yeah? So what was with the heartache thing back in the festival."

"I think you just want what Jin has."

Jungkook crinkles his nose in confusion, "His looks?"

"A boyfriend." Jimin blinks, "Or, or girlfriend if that's your thing."

Jungkook stares at him incredulously.

"I-Are you sure?" He asks, skeptical. He pauses for a moment, considering Jimin's suggestion.

However, Jungkook chooses to focus on Jimin's last statement for now. "They're dating?!"

Jimin shakes his head and waves his hands around. "No! Not yet!"

"Not yet?"

"It's complicated." Jimin explains simply, trying to get back to the topic. "Maybe you just want someone in your life like Jin has Namjoon."

Jungkook snorts.

"So I should get a secretary."

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