37 : Confirmation

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"So you're dating."

Namjoon makes an incoherrent noise.

"Is that a yes or a no??" Taehyung asks, taking Namjoon by the shoulders and shaking him violently. "I need answers Kim Namjoon!"

"Obviously he means 'I don't know because we haven't talked about it seriously'." Yoongi quips from the side, playing a game on his phone.

Taehyung groans, frustrated. "Then talk about it!" He exclaims, giving Namjoon another bought of shaking. "I swear. You two are already doing cute lovey-dovey stuff and you're not even sure you're together."

"Nothing lovey-dovey is happening." Namjoon reasons, batting Taehyung hands away. He was starting to get dizzy from all the shaking. "We haven't even kissed yet." He mumbles, trying to push Taehyung away and get his personal space back.

Yoongi coughs not-so-discreetly into his fist, "Excluding the festival." He says, and Namjoon nearly has whiplash from looking his way so quickly.

What the fuck, he thinks. He's about to scream but Taehyung beats him to it.

"What!?" The brunette screeches, if he had fur it'd be standing by now. "Kim Namjoon, your first kiss was Jin?!"

Namjoon raises his arms in defense, "Technically it was some girl from the kissing booth--"

"Yeah. It was Jin." Yoongi answers for him, ignoring the glare thrown his way.

"How did you know about that?" Namjoon asks, despite already knowing how. Yoongi had connections.

"A little birdie told me." Yoongi states as Namjoon sags on his seat. "That's all I'm going to say."

That's Yoongi for you. Always watching.

Meanwhile, Taehyung is lost in his daydreams. "How did it feel? Were there sparks?" He bombards Namjoon.

"No. It was a plain old kiss." Namjoon remembers, frowning. "Nothing unusual other than lips touching lips."

"That's boring." Taehyung sobers up almost immediately. "You could've at least touched tongues or something."

Yoongi joins Namjoon in scowling from disgust.


Hoseok watches Jin hum to himself as he browsed through the pile of papers on his desk. "You're in a good mood today." He points out, surprised at the unusual speed and efficiency Jin was working with.

"Mmhm." Is all he gets as a reply.

"Did Namjoon propose or something?" Hoseok asks, taking a guess.

Jin stops mid-write and sighs dreamily. "Something like that. He gave me permission to change my DP into a picture of us."

Hoseok chuckles, "And something like that's already got you so chipper?"

"You know how Namjoon is." Jin waves his laughter off, smirking confidently. "I'm this close to getting him to admit he likes me."

Jin presses two of his fingers together as demonstration, to which Hoseok snorts at.

"Good luck." He says, half-joking and half-sincere. "He's an iron fortress of constipated emotions."

Jin nods to himself, determined. "And I'm going to let him shit it all out."

Hoseok raises a brow, disgusted for a moment, before shrugging it off. "Kinky."

"You know what I mean." Jin says with an eye roll, "By the way, why aren't you with Yoongi today?"

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