25 : Bonfire

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"This is boring." Taehyung complains to a half-listening Tao. "I can't believe Jimin left me to do his chores." He kicks the dirt under his shoes, directing his irritation at the dust that it causes.

Tao hums, picking up small twigs and logs from the ground. They're out near the forest, collecting lumber for the bonfire, the so-called finale of the night.

"I'm sure he's busy with something." Tao hands him some of the wood he finds when Taehyung makes grabby hands at one.

"Busy. Psh." Taehyung scoffs, crouching beside Tao with a pout. "He's probably talking it up with someone right now." He mutters, unconsciously hugging the wood to his chest and yelping when he feels a splinter press unto his palm. "Ow!"

Tao sighs, reaching out to take the wood out of Taehyung's hand. The younger grumbles, picking at his hand. "Let's hurry back before you hurt yourself more."

"Agreed." Taehyung mutters.

When Taehyung tries to suck the splinter away, Tao slaps his hand back down.


Without even knowing it, Jin's spent a good few hours just talking with Namjoon about simple things, something that would never happen casually. Being president led to the younger respecting him too much and a general sense of awkwardness around them both.

Jin has to constantly remind Namjoon that being in a higher status than him didn't necessarily mean immediate respect.

"We could've watched the sunset on the rooftop." Jin comments, looking up at the slowly darkening sky. Beside him, Namjoon replies with a low hum, hands fidgeting at his sides as he follows Jin's gaze. "It looks nice from here anyway." He mumbles, "No need to hike up a dozen stairs for a view."

Jin clicks his tongue in disappointment, "You don't know how to appreciate a good sunset, do you?" He taunts, his usual smirk making its way through his lips again. "I suppose a good eye is just exclusive to artistic people."

"I'm an artist too." Namjoon replies firmly, but there's a hint of hesitance in how his voice shakes. Jin hums, acknowledging Namjoon's proclamation with amusement.

"Care to tell?" Jin prods gently, walking closer to him. "I didn't know you drew."

Namjoon chews on his lip, looking away anxiously. "I don't." He mumbles next, his expression growing tense.

"I rap." He says, barely audible but he clamps his mouth shut anyway, regretting his words immediately.

Curse him for always trying to prove Jin wrong.

Jin stares at him openly, his pace still matching Namjoon's perfectly as their walk slows down a little at the revelation.

"Huh." He murmurs to himself as Namjoon's gaze is completely fixed unto the pavement.

"I think I just got turned on."

"Jin." Namjoon whines, stopping in his tracks to cover his face and turn away from him. It's already embarrassing to tell a secret to someone who was the last person he'd even think of telling it to, but Jin's reaction just makes it ten times worse than it should be.

Jin follows him and tries to rest a calming hand on his back. "What?" He asks, confused at Namjoon's bashfulness. "I mean, for such a stuck up guy, who'd expect you like to sing about bitches and strippi--"

"Jin!" Namjoon's voice nearly cracks at the volume he uses. "I don't rap about those stuff!"

There's a frown on Jin's face; clearly Namjoon was lying. "Joonie what else would a rapper sing about?"

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