23 : Spark

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Jungkook sat on a bench just outside of their gym, feeling a little faint at the sight he just saw.

Namjoon and Jin kissing.

He feels a pang of secondhand embarrassment run through him and he frowns, slapping both hands to his cheeks in an attempt to jar himself out of his stupor.

There was nothing wrong with those kinds of relationships.


But for some reason he feels irked by the thought of them being together.

Jungkook thinks about this for a long while, lowering his head to gaze at the ground.

Could he be...

His head shoots up, nearly breaking his neck at the speed.

Holy shit.



Jimin is confused, gripping his hold on the costume he wore earlier for the cafe, which had just closed to let the students enjoy the rest of the festival.

He's supposed to return the costume back to the drama club, but he can't help but notice Jungkook, sitting at a bench nearby and staring at the bushes like he's trying to burn them with his gaze.

"Jungkook." Jimin tries calling again, hoping he'd get a response this time.

Jungkook doesn't turn his way, but greets him normally. "Good afternoon Jimin."

"Um." Jimin starts, unsure on how to approach the younger and force out a conversation. "What are you...doing?"

"Just having a minor existential crisis." Jungkook replies curtly, "Nothing to worried about."

"About what?"

Jungkook grunts, feeling exhausted with just about a mere minute of conversation. "Feelings."

"Oh." Jimin murmurs, looking from the gym entrance to Jungkook. "Do you need someone to talk it out with?"

Sighing heavily, Jungkook slides down from his seat and settles on the grass.

"Sure." He mutters.


"What the hell are you talking about Jin?"

Jin raises a brow, "I'm clearly asking if you felt something from the kiss?"

Namjoon feels very trapped right now and would much like an escape out of this, but Jin's stare keeps him in place. "Well..." He mutters, staring off into another direction. "I felt your lips on mine?"

"Very obvious Namjoon." Jin says, rolling his eyes. He keeps a leveled gaze over Namjoon, daring him to say any more nonsense. "I felt yours too."

"Well it was different!" Namjoon splutters out immediately, regretting it when he sees Jin grin mischievously.

"How different?"

Namjoon purses his lips, his brain going haywire from trying to think of another excuse. "Your lips were soft and mine was really dry."

Jin frowns, face scrunching as he recalled. "Yes, that was unpleasant." He says, schooling his expression swiftly to get the conversation in line. "But the feeling I'm getting at isn't really physical, you know."

"Be more specific then." Namjoon mutters, hoping banter can save him from this awkward session of QnA.

"Alright." Jin agrees, leaning in closer to invade Namjoon's space. "Did you like the kiss?"

Namjoon's feels his cheeks burn but keeps his expression as neutral as possible. "Now you just made it biased."

"If it gets an answer out of you, then it's no biggie."

"Yes." Namjoon replies flatly, figuring that if he'd answer outright, it'll be the end of that. "I liked it, it was good, can we please not talk about it anymore."

Jin seems appeased by this and withdraws, leaning back on his chair and sighing happily. "I'm glad Joonie appreciates my lip locking skills."

"Since when is that a skill?" Namjoon asks himself. Jin overhears this and chuckles.

"Don't fret, Namjoon." He says, happily offering him a smile. "I'll gladly teach you the ways of kissing. First of all..." Jin leans back up again to cup both of Namjoon's cheeks in his hands, making the other fluster.

"...grab a cutie."

Namjoon pushes him back abruptly, causing him to fall backwards unto the grass.

Jin laughs as Namjoon scowls.

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