2 : Printer

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"You're fucked." Yoongi nonchalantly states from where he stands, giving the broken printer right next to Namjoon a look. "You're definitely fucked."

Namjoon gives him an unimpressed look, "Thanks." He replies in monotone, gesturing to the printer's 'corpse' on the ground. "I needed confirmation on whether or not I'm truly fucked."

There's silence as they both continue to stare at the damages done.

There's another sound of something hitting the floor, and they turn to find the wooden table collapsed over the printer as well.

"Yeah. I can say I'm fucked halfway to a death sentence." Namjoon mutters, staring feebly at the pile.

Namjoon hadn't meant to break it. The printer fell off it's perch all by itself, causing it to hit the tiled floor with a loud thud.

Its physical structure is in pieces and the paper he was supposed to print out was halfway finished, caught in between the printer's carcass.

The table's crumbled on top of it now too, its legs slanted and broken.

He looks down at it solemnly, feeling his soul leave his body.

"Jin's going to kill you." Yoongi mumbles, considering his words for a moment. "Metaphorically, I hope."

"I know." Namjoon mutters, hands combing through his hair frantically. "You think we could still fix it?" He tries to sound hopeful, but the look on Yoongi's face says otherwise.

Namjoon sighs, collapsing unto his knees with a groan, hiding his face in shame. "Maybe if we cover it with something, they won't notice."

Yoongi opens his mouth to reply, but holds his words back when the printer sparks flame.

The table follows in suit, the wood being easily flammable. Soon enough, it's burning on it's own; the paper jammed inside of it catching fire too.

The heat causes the fire alarm in the ceiling to go off, drenching them in water a few seconds after.

Yoongi stares long and hard as the flames are extinguished in mere seconds.

"Sure, that's a great plan." Yoongi says with a sarcastic lilt to his voice as water rains down on them, pooling under their feet. "I think they won't notice. At all."


"Joonie." Jin sighs out dramatically, inspecting the broken printer himself. The device, now dry, looks barely salvageable. "How did you break this?"

He taps what's remaining of the metallic casing and frowns at the dark marks marring the white exterior like bruises; what exactly happened here?

Namjoon, now sitting on his desk with a towel wrapped around him, hissed in irritation, "It fell off the table."

He hangs the towel on his head, hiding his face from Jin's knowing gaze. The president hums, unsure if he should believe him.

"Sounds legit." Jin points out, leaning back to address Namjoon as he continued to sulk.

There's disbelief in his voice, since he can't believe that much damage can be done just by making it fall.

Namjoon makes an indignant sound from the back of his throat. "Because it is!" He exclaims, the towel slipping off from his head. "It fell and then it caught on fire!"

Jin says nothing for a moment, only staring at how hysterical Namjoon looks right now. "It...caught on fire?"

"Yes." Namjoon deadpans, "I know it sounds unbelievable but-"

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