I'm Not that Cruel Part Ten *Showki

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I'm Not that Cruel Part Ten

Kihyun stared at the sonogram in his bed, the peanut size of the fetus baby. His phone was pressed on his ear, attempting to call Hyungwon for the fifth time. He wasn't picking up. From inside his belly, his baby that resided on the left side of his uterus, began to move, adding more stress to his fatigued body.

He had slipped into their room as fast as he could, locking the door with trembling hands. His heart was beating so fast he could sense his blood palpitate in unusual places he never thought pulsated. He repeatedly closed his eyes in fear of passing out; the walls around him cave in, dancing around him to add into his hysteria.

"Pick up," Kihyun mouths, pressing his hand deeper into the mattress.

Maybe that picture was from a long time and Shownu still keeps it with him, Kihyun told himself. He wouldn't lie to him and keep a secret of having another child besides the ones he has right now. But then why would he sneak in the middle of the night unless he was hiding something. These past days Shownu would sneak out to a room farther from theirs and stays a few minutes to an hour and then slip back into their bed, pretending he didn't sneak out. The next day Shownu said nothing and pretend that he wasn't hiding something.

At first it didn't matter to Kihyun. Everyone has a secret they don't want people to find out so they say nothing. And it didn't bugged him until this very moment, his eyes boring into the picture.

Fifteen minute had already passed, several calls made and no responses. Kihyun wanted to drop down and cry. A few slips of his tears escaped along his cheeks. Shownu would be back from his shower and he would suspect and ask why he's all worked up. He thought talking to Hyungwon and Minhyuk would help him calm down and now that it didn't happened, he doesn't know what will.

Hopeless, Kihyun picked up the sonogram and buried it deep down his babies' clothes on the small chest that had been there before he had moved in. Then he placed the photo album on top of the small chest, retrieving himself back to the kitchen to grab something cold to bring his alterations to a minimum.

From the kitchen, Kihyun heard a door open, the presence of Shownu near. Ignoring the pang on his chest, he grabbed grapefruit soda from the fridge door and sat down on one of the chairs, opening his phone to Grey's Anatomy with the lowest volume possible but still audible enough to hear. If Shownu was going to pretend that he didn't have any secrets, pretending that he doesn't sneak out in the middle of the night, then Kihyun would do the same.

He was determined to find out what it was. He was finally falling for him, for someone, and he had to know if it was worth it. Was Shownu worth it? To risk himself of his sanity and the pain that comes with falling in love.

To everyone else he was a cruel man. In the office he was known as 'the psychopath' no matter if the term was incorrectly used. To them, Shownu had no heart, no understanding of what it was to be human. But this side of Shownu proved that he wasn't made of stone, that he did, in fact, have feelings. At this point, Kihyun was so confused. What was he hiding and why did he have to hide it from him?

"Who was that child in that sonogram? Did he had another family before Kihyun came along?

All these questions were interrupted by Shownu's voice.

The smell of fresh water and Shownu's famous aroma of soap entered before Shownu did. Kihyun looked up his eyes gawking at Shownu's shoulders. His white tank top demonstrated and outlined his muscles, his grey sweatpants distracting Kihyun from his previous taunting questions.

"What are you watching?" Shownu smiled, opening the cupboard and taking a box of pasta and then proceeding to pull a sauce pan from the wall.

"Grey's Anatomy. I need to catch up now that I can't go back to work," Kihyun answered, stopping his show and waddled to him.

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