Rivals' Love Affair Pt. 2 *Jaehyo & Zico

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Rival's Love Affair Part Two

"That plan is ridiculous," Zico comments from his chair, his head on top of the metal, his lips sucking a red lollipop.

"Oh, shut up! You think all my ideas are ridiculous," Kyung retorts from where he was situated, in front of a desk, his arms leaning on the hard surface, and a look of desperation on his face.

"That's because they are."

Kyung's plans were never bad or horrible, in fact they were brilliant. And just like he was a brilliant it made his plans always sound ridiculous. There was no way that they would be able to go through with it. They hadn't won anything these past few weeks, so planning this massive plan was like already choosing their fate, which was in fact dead.

"I don't see you coming with any ideas whatsoever." Zico only rolls his eyes in response. Zico is bad at making plans, planning schemes; the only thing he's good at his punching someone, that's not got them very far.

"Look, he still have time. We gotta focus on our fight on Friday." Zico removes himself from his slouch state, and lowers himself up to his thighs, and says," That's what is more important."

"You don't get it. If we steal 400,000 thousand dollar from the bank this will be epic. We will earn the respect of the other gangs, and it will help us earn a victory, a sweet, sweet victory," Kyung, babbles, his eyes lightinh up, filled with adoration for the victory that  to  Zico feels impossible.

It's not that he's letting this get to him, but deep inside it was getting to him. What kind of a gang doesn't win. Not even to other lesser known gangs they have won over. Perhaps they haven't won because their strategies suck. Or because his mind has been in la la land ever since he met Jaehyo a couple of weeks ago.

That man was doing things to him that he couldn't quiet explain. Words were inexplicable when it came to his feelings. The rush of energy bursting through his veins was the same as when he wins fights. It was really weird for him to feel like this. He also questioned his sexuality now that he was with Jaehyo.

At night he would wonder who this man was. What gang was he a part of? He wanted to know so badly, while at the same time he didn't. Zico might like the man now, but who knows if he will once he finds out what kind of mask Jaehyo has hidden under that angelic, beautiful face.

In fact, he doesn't want to know. He would rather stay under the illusion of their pretend world where masks aren't a thing. Which is what he feels when he's next to him. A world without masks.

A rumble brought Zico into reality, once realizing he was for the second time in his own world, and he shoot straight up.

"Tael is here. I'm gonna discuss this with him since you're not being rational with me," Kyung says, picking up his map, that he sprawled all over, his pencil, and his phone, all with him as he jogged outside to the truck whom was just pulling up.

"Whatever," he mumbles, standing up and biting his lollipop. "I have to see Jaehyo anyways."

~ ~ ~

The floor creaked as he walk on the carpet, dirty of beer stains. Zico, with the little time he had, cleaned as much as he could. For the first time he was brining Jaehyo to his cabin that he would come to when he felt like getting drunk.

His only remedy was alcohol whenever he lost a fight. Losing a fight was embarrassing for his team and for him. Just the thought of how badly people must be thinking of his gang brought him forward to a pool of his own misery, welcoming by the taste of the bittering alcohol.

Last night he came here and drank a whole bottle of whisky to stop himself from thinking of all the disappointments he was making these past few weeks. It wasn't until he was almost done with the bottle that he realized if he didn't stop with this he would end up deeper into the cycle of self pity and the salvation that he thought alcohol brought whenever his lips touched the tip of the bottle.

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