Understanding You *Joheeon & I.M.

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Understanding You

Fluorescent beams of colorful lights illuminate the fresh morning. The streets were currently gaining noise, movement, the stirring of people's sleeps into wakefulness.

Joheeon's house had been silent, all the curtains draped closed, his eyes verily fluttering open. His husband, Changhyuk had left fifteen minutes ago, quietly making his lunch and then quietly closing the door so he wouldn't make a noise and wake Joheeon up.

Well that little small noise did indeed woke Joheeon up. Every morning it went like that. For the past month, Changhyuk had left before Joheeon could even say goodbye.

Feeling the empty side of the bed, Joheeon stayed there, his eyes looking over the open door, wanting to close his eyes again.

But like every morning the revolving sensation that threatened him to get up in in a flash to be kneeled down to the toilet as he hunched down to empty his contents from last's nights meal made sure he didn't sleep again.

Afterwards, when he pushed himself to the wall, his muscles can feel the draining of such action. He didn't put much thought at first the constant feeling of vile pushing itself up to his throat at the realization that daylight was near.

His mind had other thoughts in mind. One of them was his marriage. Often, in so many marriages, there's a reaching point where the couples are in non-speaking terms and everything that one of them does is the cause of their arguments.

Joheeon was naive. He had swore to himself that they wouldn't get to that point. They had been so in love in the beginning of their marriage that it blinded them from ever thinking their relationship would reach a breaking point.

Now, overseeing that outlook he wanted to slap himself for being a complete idiot. It wasn't that they didn't love each other. That wasn't true at all. Joheeon loves Changhyuk as much as he did when they first got married. As boyfriends that love build up until that love became an abundance that went into marriage to seal it, to claim it.

A relationship wouldn't be a relationship if there wasn't something to disagree, Joheeon knows that. As boyfriends they had their share of disagreements, as well as in their marriage. Until this point where he feels pointless. These constant mini fights were draining him. All he wanted to do was reverse all these meaningless fights and restart where ever they had began to majorly disagree with each other.

Morning was slipping up from his fingertips. Soon it would be afternoon, the time wasted.

His body felt weak, despite this, he managed to drag himself up and clean the mess he had made. Today was his day off so that meant he had a day to do things that he couldn't normally do when he had working days.

After he finished doing his bed, he took out milk from the fridge and pour it from the carton to the indigo bowl that he had gotten on his wedding day by his mother. He then shook the cereal flakes from the box into the bowl, mixing both contents for a tasteful encounter.

Sleepiness wore off from him as he chew the cereal, staring at the tree that was in front of his kitchen window. Occasionally birds would perch up on the twigs to sing their song or to relax themselves from their flight.

Delighted, Joheeon would sometimes take pictures and send them to his mother, the only one who had gracefully approved of his marriage. His father was still reluctant to visit him because he didn't quite approve of Changhyuk. Taking pictures of these birds would help his mood tremendously. He was always reminded that he didn't have to stay on his current mood. He can always change it, he had the power to change it.

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