Saturday Date * Youngseong (Youngbin & Inseong)

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Youngbin's POV:

Grocery shopping was always fun for me. You get to see new people, talk to some that you already know, and just enjoy the speed of the people as they take their time to inspect the fruits, vegetables in general.

The car is already parked in the parking lot, and I'm just taking my time taking my seat belt off and moisturizing my lips with my favorite cherry lip bam.

The heat outside is verily tolerable. Even with my navy blue t-shirt, I can still feel like I'm wearing a thousand sweaters. My arms are sweating, the skin feeling damp and sticky.

The car in front of me has two kids inside, their phones under their noses. The father is in front of the steering wheel, his phone under his nose as well. They are all in their own world, no words exchange between themselves. Gotta love technology.

And not in a sarcastic way. Just as them, I can't live without my phone. My phone is always by my side, every hour of the day, the device next to my pillow.

Without the phone, I don't have a way to communicate with my parents who live two states away. I don't have the financial opportunity to see them very often. Only on Christmas and when we have a vacation from school.

Inseong and I had decided that we wanted to go the same university so that we could still be together. So when he got accepted to UCLA, the same as I did, we were beyond happy. Fate got aligned with our plans and we couldn't be even happier than that.

Smiling like an idiot, I realized I was recalling one of our happiest moments. I got so caught up that I was sweating heavier since I had just turn the car off.

My gaze was still stuck on the car in front of me. I had spaced out right in front of them. The father was now looking at me weirdly. His eyebrows were arched up, his eyes on mine. My cheeks are hot and I swear that there is a hint of blush dabbed in them.

This is so embarrassing. He must be so confused onto why I was looking at them for so long. Quickly, I look down and grab my wallet from the glove comparment.

I open the door and get out of the car without giving the father another glance. That is a situation I will never want to revisit. Or want to ever recall.

My hair is stuck to my neck, which is horrible because I hate the feeling. A hot day on top of a humid one is a horrible day.

At least the store has AC so that whatever time I take picking my groceries, I have cool air blasting me. Thank god for whoever invented the AC.

The carts next to the store were almost gone. I was lucky to get this one. I don't know how many carts get lost everyday but I know it's a lot when the employee has a long line stack behind him as he he pulls them up to the cart section.

I pull the kid seat out and head inside, the cool air brushing my damp hair to the sides. That feels so nice that I almost close my eyes. I don't though. Don't want to hit another customer and start an argument.

The paper that has all the prices of the food and the specials is right next to kid machines where they have fake tattoos, cheap toys all for the price of fifty cents.

I take my glasses from my shirt from which they were hanging and slide them in, pushing them further inside so they sit on top of the bridge of my nose. I lick my bottom lip and take one, unfolding from its half close position and scan the items.

Pineapples were on sale for a good price. I hum in surprise. Pineapples aren't always in sale. Well since its on sale perhaps I can use them to make a recipe that goes along with the fruit or added to my juice blends.

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