CHAPTER 11: Betti 'NEXT BEST THING' Contostavlos

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"We so need to go out this week, some shopping down Scrooby or even better, let's hit Oxford Street. You can pick up those disco pants from American Apparel you were telling me about,"

"Aw Lee, how selfless of you," which was very unlike him, "what's the real reason you want to go down there?"

"Wow bitch you got me...Okay there's this sales assistant that works there, three words, sex on legs!"

I swear Lee couldn't go thirty seconds without calling me bitch.

"Hmm, whatever but I do really want them. They're like seventy quid though,"

"And I'm sure they'll be worth every penny rich girl, so what day are we going then?"

"None," I replied down the phone.

"Huh...what, why not?!"

"Well Lee if you're not aware we have exams next week. I can't be wasting hours out shopping when I can be at home revising,"

"When in Darwin's name did you care so much about school all of a sudden?"

"When neither of us revised for Science and you got an A and I got an E. We can't all be half Asian like you and bring home good grades naturally," I chuckled.

"Bitch, stop hating!"

"Whatever, we can still go out for dinner. I really want to go to that new buffet that opened the other day in Malden Way,"

"Oh so you can blow me off shopping for revision but when food's involved, you're all for it,"

"Jesus, I can't revise in the evening. It was a suggestion for something for us to do,"

"Whatever, speaking of Malden Way I still can't believe you actually went to Asher Solomon's party,"

"Lee that's old news," I was tired of it always being brought up.

"And so, yet you managed to forget every little detail. Bitch what were in those drinks, roofies?"

After the mixed concoctions I was reaching for from random heads, I wouldn't be surprised. Lee however was wrong. I didn't exactly forget every little detail, just those when I was heavily drunk. I couldn't be assed to correct him though, I just wanted to stop talking about the topic altogether.

"Who knows - yeah so what colour did you say you're dying your hair next?"

"Well the red's totally faded out now, hmm do you think I could pull a Rita Ora and go blonde?"

"You nutter don't, what would your dad say?!"

"He can choke on shit for all I care,"

"Lee, that's-" my phone made a sound. I had an incoming call, "Lee, I'll call you back, I've got to go," I hung up and answered mum's call.

"Hi mum,"

"Jay, I've forgotten one of my portfolios. Check if it's on my bed, if not, actually just check if it's there first. It's purple in colour by the way,"

I lazily rolled off mine with my phone to my ear and dragged my feet into her room. It always reeked of scented candles which I've grown up to hate. I reached for the misplaced portfolio on her bed and replied on the line, "yeah, it's here-" "Okay, I'm turning back in the car. Come down and wait outside."

"Do you wanna see these?"

Not really, was what I longed to reply. I was out in socks, leggings and a light jumper in two degrees. What I wished to do was run back inside and smother myself in my duvet covers. I didn't want to upset mum so I reassuringly smiled instead.

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