CHAPTER 1: Asher 'THE GREAT' Solomon

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*Thanks for accepting*

I mouthed, whilst pressing enter. I was unsure of what to say first after I'd found he'd accepted my friend request. 'Hi', 'you alright', 'I never knew you had Facebook' but of course he would. Having Facebook was as essential as possessing a Blackberry, besides, they all did.

*It's cool, we can talk on here*

He replied back, followed shortly by a smiley face icon.I couldn't help but feel a smile quickly emerge on my own face. We formerly used to spend late nights on MSN until Facebook chat became an upgrade. Why would anyone still be caught on there when Facebook had the whole package? I didn't really bother, whether it was emailing, texting, or any other form of interactive communication, Asher and I would find a way to talk.

I was in the middle of typing a sentence, until I peered up and noticed him writing. I hastily deleted everything, so eager to see what he'd say.

*I like your profile pic*

It was recently I got my mum to take a picture of me on her professional camera as part of my Media assignment. We were actually supposed to be the ones doing the photography but it was for an album cover and I didn't really have anyone to take snaps of, who were willing enough to pose for my coursework. It was a side shot of me, the sun's beams hit my dark skin, which stood out against my hair. My hair was straight, left down and some tucked under my ear. It was out in the park, where I plucked a tulip and now held it out. I thought this and a few other shots were good. My Media teacher thought otherwise, apparently it wasn't a "convention" of the specific music genre we were supposed to be conveying. I received a C-.

*LOL, shut up*

I said, embarrassed.

*Nar, I'm serious - you're beautiful*

I stared blankly at our conversation on Facebook: awkward.

*If you say so...*

Maybe I should have left out the dots, too much?

*You have to be blind not to see it*

I smiled inwardly at his comment. Asher always made me feel good about myself. He continued.

*So where were you today missy?*

*Who wants to know; did they miss me?*

I replied with a wink emotion.

*Nar, Media had no difference, in fact, for some reason it was better*


It was true. I made no difference but he didn't have to admit it. I didn't enjoy cramps from periods, so I took it upon myself to have a day off. A moment passed, then a minute, two straight after. I became hesitant and wondered why he hadn't replied.

*LOL, I'm not even gonna lie, I kinda felt lonely still*

I almost froze, not just at what he said but he'd changed his display picture. I felt my mouth salivate. How can someone so hot, cool and influential be talking to me? Did I mention hot? Asher's previous image was of him and an unfamiliar friend, and from the background, I would presume a rave. He had his signature grin on his face, appeared at ease and made gestures, pointing with both hands, at the camera. I also noticed a white watch around his left wrist. His low cut, almost jet-black hair contrasted with his soft, caramel skin and the two stones in each ear, not to mention his newly tragus piercing, glistened. As well as impeccable looks, Asher's swagger was immaculate. He wore a white Lyle and Scott polo and brown chinos. I was unsure of his footwear, seeing as it wasn't included in the frame but his male companion had nothing on him. He may as well have been cropped out.

The Facebook PageTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon