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I was sat on the sofa flicking through the telly whilst mum was in the kitchen making dinner. It was a Saturday night and I was looking for a film for us to watch. Soon I felt vibrations coming from my back pocket. I retrieved my phone and saw a message from Asher.

*I want a repeat of Saturday*

My mind flipped back to the weekend that Asher came over.

Whilst kissing on my bed, Asher's hand slipped beneath my top and under my bra. His other hand traced the waistband of my jeans...

My phone vibrated again jostling my thoughts. I had another message.

*We need to talk*

This one was from Lee - I hadn't heard from him in weeks! Lee's parents had confiscated all his devises after ending up in Isolation, but now he was due to be back in class, I'm guessing they had returned them.


I wrote in response. I tried to call him but the line went straight to voicemail.

*I'm coming over*

He sent after a while. Him coming round was pretty impromptu but I thought nothing of it. I'd missed my best friend.

'Jay!' Mum called from the kitchen.

'Coming,' I said slipping my phone back into my pocket.

I pushed open the kitchen door and was greeted by the sweet aroma of curried meat. Mum was looming over a pot she was brewing on the stove. She looked up at me then pointed to an array of vegetables opposite her.

'Help me with the veg love,'

I rolled my eyes and dragged my feet to the sink to wash my hands. After giving them a quick dry, I felt my phone vibrate again.

*I'm outside your door*

I was startled by Lee's message. I didn't expect him to be here already.

'Jay!' Mum snapped, forcing me to gawk at her. She had a wooden spoon in one hand and the other on her hip.

'Put that away and concentrate.'

I ignored her and headed straight to the kitchen door.

'Jay!' She snapped again, banging the spoon on the counter top.

'Mum, I'll be one second!' I pleaded before running out.

I made it to the front door and quickly undid the locks. As I swung open the door my eyes grew at the sight of Lee.

'Lee...are you alright?' I asked astounded.

The Lee I knew would never step out with flat greasy hair, a tracksuit and tatty trainers. But low and behold, here he was.

'I'm fine,' he replied.

I looked deeply into his eyes. They were bloodshot red. The smile on my face dissipated and a long pause followed. Lee put his head down and kicked at his feet. From his rigid body language it didn't look like he was coming inside.

'Er...did you want...anything?' I questioned, finding it hard to form words.

His head shot up. His eyes seemed even more scarlet.

'It's your birthday soon,' he let out.

Yes, my birthday was soon but I didn't understand why he'd come all the way to my house, in such a state, just to say that.

'It is,' I said, going along with him. 'The big 1-6. I doubt I'm doing anything though.'

Contrary to everyone else in our year that was celebrating the milestone by throwing a Super Sweet 16, I would love nothing more than for my day to come and quickly go.

'Don't worry, we'll do something,' he said with a faint smile on his face. But there was no excitement in his tone.

The hairs behind my neck began to stick up. I could sense that Lee was off with me.

'Okay,' I said looking back into my house, hoping that mum would charge to the door and drag me back inside. 'I'm a little chilly. I'm going to head back in.'

'Okay,' he shrugged.

'I guess I'll see you-'


I nodded.

'Before I go,' he began, 'I've been meaning to ask - you posted my application form to Fedora right?'

I froze.

'Ha, yeah, why?'

Lee stared at me blankly. I could no longer look at him in the eye and his were sharp like daggers.

'I'm still waiting to hear back from them...but I guess these things just take time.'

'I'm sure they do,' I said now looking at my palms. They felt hot and prickly.

Another pause followed.

'Bye,' Lee said.

By the time I looked up, he was already off the drive way and on the way to the bus stop.

I closed the door behind me shut and lowered my head. I knew for a fact that I hadn't posted Lee's application and it was only a matter of time until he sussed that Fedora weren't going to write back to him. I'd done almost a month without Lee and although I had Asher to distract myself at home, I'd been so alone at school. I spent break time by myself, I ate lunch by myself, I lurked the corridors by myself. I couldn't do a whole school year like that, let alone two.

'Who was that?' Mum asked as I came through the kitchen door.

'Lee,' I exhaled.

I planted myself at my station, picked up a carrot and carved away at its fleshy skin.

'Oh, he's allowed out now?'

'I guess,' I said now chopping the carrot into small pieces. I wish she'd stop asking questions about him.

'Hm, the way you ran out of the kitchen I would have thought it was someone else.'

'Why?' I asked moving onto the second carrot.

'...I've heard those late night conversations Jay.'

I turned my back on the veg to face mum. She placed the lid on the pot, crossed her arms and had a smirk plastered on her face. My face turned from one of confusion to one of horror. She was talking about Asher.

'Wow!' Mum exclaimed, 'so you're not even going to deny it! Go on, spill it, who is he?'

I now wished Lee was still the topic of conversation.

'He's just a friend,' I uttered, turning back to the second carrot in the batch.

'Just a friend?' Mum questioned.

I could feel her eyes piercing into my back. I put the carrot and the knife down, turned towards her and shrugged.

'Mum, I don't know,' I let out sighing.

Mum's amused look now looked concerned.

'Jay, what do you mean?'

'...He's kinda seeing someone else,' I admitted, looking elsewhere.

The kitchen fell silent.

'So...what are you doing with him?' Mum finally asked.

'Nothing,' I lied.

I'd never really had a boy in my life so this was pretty much new territory for mum. I wondered long and hard what she'd say next.

'Jay, please be careful.'

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 02, 2018 ⏰

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