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'Okay folks because you seem so in touch with your productions, every lesson a couple of you will present your research and planning,'

Everyone grumbled.

'The first person I'm going to call...' she paused before scanning her class of students. I lowered my head.

'Is...' she continued and I lowered my head furthermore.

I then swivelled it to the other side of the classroom and spotted Asher. I was staring at him for quite a while and I guess he could feel someone watching him as he turned his own head and our eyes met.

I jumped.

'Oh yes, Jay!'


'Up to the front please,'

This is a joke right?

'Up to the front please!' Kyle mimicked in a sterner and more high pitched tone, making everyone chuckle.

'You're next Kyle!' Miss Wright shot and he rolled his eyes.

With a great big lump in my throat I dragged my exercise book and I to the front. If there was one thing I hated more than my media class was speaking in front of my media class.

'Take it away Jay,' Miss Wright said blankly, sliding back into her seat.

I gulped before speaking.

'I'm creating a magazine for teenage boys into p-punk rock who are aged between thirteen...I mean as-'

'Sorry hun, speak up we can't hear a thing you're saying booboo,' Kyle said in an accent, followed by sniggers in the class.

'Shh!' Miss Wright hissed.

'I mean as it's aimed at teenagers, it covers the who-ole-'


'Kyle for fucks sake,' Gianni blurted and everyone screamed with laughter.

'Kyle, Gianni, that is enough!' Miss Wright barked but I couldn't help sense a smile appear on her own lips.

Even the teacher was laughing at me. I decided with the little dignity I had left to crawl back to my seat and diminish into darkness. That was until Kyle 'The Joker' Carter received a slap on the back of his head.


'Shut up you little bitch and listen yeah,' said Asher.

'Bitches be like don't hit me!' someone mimicked in a girl's voice and the entire class mocked Kyle.

'Year elevens, I've had it up to here with you!' Miss Wright screamed.

The majority of Media were in frenzy. However Thomas' head was down and Asher's was up and starring at me in the face. He gave his signature smirk. What an absolute prick.


'Lee, where've you been?'

I saw the same two girls I'd seen the other day with Lee and of course, Betti.

'Hey girl, just been about,' he joked.

Betti was now by Lee's side.

'We're going to the corner can come if you like,' she said, then pouted her matte pink lips.

We were all in uniform whilst she was wearing a leather jacket, over an oversized print tee, cropped jeans and blue and white air maxes.

'I'll pass-'

I was going to reject her offer but we all turned at the sound of Shakara cackling and I soon realised Karrueche and her loyal followers were moving towards our direction.

'Actually I-I think I'll stock up on gum,'

Lee shrugged. They didn't seem that bothered to be honest and even though my pulse rocketed through my body, I gave the impression I wasn't at all bothered about risking getting caught sneaking out of school again.

Of course they seemed nice but I didn't care. I hated all of Lee's friends. Especially Betti. It turns out Betti's in her first year of sixth form but doesn't think she'll continue.

'My dad wouldn't let me go Fedora but he can see I'm not happy here. I still have to finish my first year before I can drop out though,'

'Fedora's going to be absolutely amazing,' Lee murmured.

'Well me and Sammi are either staying here or going Caldan College,'

'Ew, why the hell would you stay here?' Lee glared.

The Chinese girl shrugged.

'It's not that bad,'

'I'm staying here,' I finally built up the courage to say.

'Speaking of leaving, what are you bitches wearing to leavers prom?!' Lee beamed.

'I couldn't give a shit what my dress looks like, as long as I get my hands on those Alexander McQueen beauties,'

'I wanna come!' Betty moped, 'd'you think they'll let year twelves in?'

'Why not? You can be my date!'

I pretty much zoned out of their conversation, it seemed five was way too much of a crowd anyway. Despite our friendship, I couldn't help feel that Lee was replacing me with Betti. We hadn't hung out properly in weeks and Fedora College for Performing Arts would be the final straw. I couldn't let that happen.

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