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I walked hand in hand with Asher to the house party, and even with the little drink in my system, I still felt uncomfortable. This was bringing back memories of Lee's mate's gathering a couple of months ago.

'Ey, my bwoy,' said a tall, sharp male who answered the front door.

I didn't recognise him from school and I'm guessing I wouldn't recognise anyone else from Morris High either. Asher was seemingly smarter than that.

'What's good Rich?' Asher nodded, putting his arm around my waist.

'And who's the cutie?' the supposed Rich replied, tearing his gaze from Asher.

I smiled uneasily. I peered at Asher who jutted his chin forward as if he was giving me permission to speak.

'My name's Jay,' I replied, drawing out my hand.

He raised his eyebrow but took my hand, giving me a firm shake, 'pretty name for a pretty face.'

One drink became two and two became three. This sequence was becoming awfully familiar. Yet suddenly I didn't feel like being such a party pooper anymore.

'Asherrr,' I slurred, throwing myself onto him.

'Woah,' he chuckled uneasily, trying to steady me on my feet. He was in the middle of a conversation between a white guy and a brown skin girl, both about our age. The brown skin girl pulled a face.

'Yeah, this is Jay, Jay this is Clyde and this is Lauren,' Asher directed.

I ignored Lauren.

'Hi Clyde, cool outfit,'

He was wearing a Chanel white and gold chain bomber jacket, white skinny jeans, paired with white Air Forces.

'Ha, thanks, even as licked as you are, you don't look half bad yourself,' Clyde smirked.

My laugh in response was a little too over the top.

'Alright Jay, it wasn't that funny,' Asher said.

'What are you talking about? He's flipping hilarious-' I cried, throwing my hands in the air. But of course, in doing so, I wacked Clyde's red cup out of his grasp, in which he spilt his drink all down his designer clothes.

Clyde gasped as I frantically retrieved my arm to cover my dumbfounded mouth.

'Oh my God, I am so sorry,'

'Rah, some people cannot handle their drink,' the almost forgotten Lauren smirked, before turning away.

That plus a few other minor incidents made Asher lose his cool and pull me out into the back garden. By now I wasn't feeling so good.

'Jay, can you do me a favour and stop fucking acting up?' he hissed.

I clasped my hand over my head and moaned.

'What the fuck is actually wrong with you?' he cried, grabbing my other arm.

'Get off me! I d-don't feel so good,'

'How would you? You've drunken yourself sick! For fucks sake. You're going home-'


'Jay!' he growled, grabbing my whole frame this time, making me feel a whole lot worse.

'I told you to g-get off me, I feel s-sick!' I stuttered, trying to resist his hold.

'Jay quit fucking about, you're embarrassing yourself!' he shot, tugging and pulling my sthum frame, until I couldn't take the dizziness any longer and threw up.

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