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'Asher, stop!' I screamed.

He had me pinned down on his bed and wouldn't stop tickling me.

'Aaahaa!' I cried, 'pl-please!'

'Admit that I'm the best,'


'Well then-'


I opened my eyes and was met by the face of Lee. I sighed inwardly. It had only been a dream.

'It's time for breakfast, hurry up,' he grumbled, crawling out of our tent. Instead I chose to skip a cold tin of beans so made myself comfortable in my sleeping bag. Suddenly I felt something scurry beneath me, tickling me in the process. I was still for a second.

'AHH!' I jumped, screaming out of our tent.

'Okay guys, in your groups we team leaders are going to aid you to the final location. Blue and red team are neck and neck so the first team to get to-'

'C'mon red team!' my team leader, Rodger, roared.

'YAH!' my team sang in union.

'Eh-hem,' uttered Luke, the blue team leader.

Everyone chuckled.

'Before I was inter-rupted,' Luke stressed, 'the first team to get to circle district wins!'

'WOO!' cried the enthusiastic adolescents.

'Alright red,' Rodger called, 'let's huddle,'

Lee dragged me back.

'Fuck him and fuck this shit, we're standing right here,'

Rodger, trying too hard to be the cool adult, ignored Lee's profanity and replied, 'bro, c'mon!'

'I'm not your bro,' Lee scowled as I stood nonchalant by his side.

'Oh juth leave them,' a boy with a lisp in our year replied, 'who wanth gaylord and thilent anyway,'

His lisp was too hilarious to take offence.

'That's not what your dad told me last night,'

'My dadth in Dubai and we were all in our tenth lath night,' he snorted, pushing back his specs.

'It's a fucking joke,'

'A pretty that one,'

'A pretty thit one!' Lee imitated.

The boy hissed before huddling with the rest of our team.

Lee muttered in my ear, 'I swear, if I could slap a bitch,'

It was a bank holiday Monday and all weekend I'd been hiking. Miss Davies, my tutor, insisted to mum on Parents' Evening that I go as I don't get involved much in extra curriculum activities. Mum forced me and I dragged Lee along, ensuring him the activity would make him stand out as a Fedora applicant. 'Is Fedora really worth this?' Lee questioned, cautiously pushing branches out of his way.


He cut me off, 'who am I kidding? Of course it's worth it,' Lee spun around, with a grin on his face, adjusting his back pack.

I flakily mirrored Les's smile until I caught sight of a spider above him. We both screamed.

'Let's get the hell out of here!'

'I thought that's what we were already doing?'

Lee, as usual, talked me into ditching the red group's hike to circle district to run away. I would have at least put up a pathetic fight but it had gotten to the point where I was so sick and tired of this never ending three day weekend that anything seemed the better option.

'Bitch, I mean let's go home,' Lee cried.

'From the Midlands? You're having a laugh right?'

'I can't actually believe you Jay,'


'What do you mean what? You know exactly what!' mum shot, smacking a letter on the dining table. Lee and I's little hike had cost us severely.

'What happened to going on this trip and getting out your shell, making some friends?'

'Urgh, mum, stop!'

I had had enough of her social crap. I stormed out of the living room and stomped up the stairs. Before I reached my bedroom, mum made an unwelcome appearance on the bottom step.

'Wake up Jay! It's not going to be you and Lee forever you know!'


I had done a lot of thinking. If 'The District' had taught me anything in a short space of time is that life should be about adventures, breaking the norm and having fun. Although Lee and I are on warnings, I don't regret it. So it's made me change my way of thinking and that I might as well make the most out of opportunities regardless of the consequences. I might as well not do media once in a while, I might as well say yes to Lee more often and I might as well let Asher back in, regardless of the fact that he's got a girlfriend. Right?

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