CHAPTER 15: Lee 'HOMEBOY' Cheng-Harris

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Don't you find it annoying when people set their Facebook account as private?

"So, where are we going tonight might I ask?" Lee began, joining me on his bed. He was finally dressed. Eccentrically of course.

I shrugged. I was on his account.

"What the hell are you on?"

"Nothing!" I quickly pushed away his laptop before closing down Karrueche's veiled profile.

"Bitch...better not have been reading my inbox," Lee muttered, rising.

"...Oh and so what if I was?" I replied, ready for a challenge.

He pinched me. Hard.

"Ow, Lee, you bloody-"

Suddenly, his mum barged through the door and grumbled something in Filipino. Lee rolled his eyes.

"Lee!" she shot.

"Well I can't, me and Jay are going out. He's going to have to wait,"

Imee seemed annoyed, "You tell your dad that when he gets back,"

Before walking out, she asked me if I wanted anything.

"No, I'm fine thanks," I smiled.

"Okay," she had a very thick accent, "but-"

"My God – mum piss off!"

"Tom Hardy, sex on legs!"

A middle aged couple beside us darted their eyes at Lee in shock.

"The actual fuck...?" he screwed.

We sniggered as we left the theatre. I'd suggested the cinema and Lee reluctantly agreed. Anything, minus a night of crazy, would get my mind off things.

"It's only eight. It's still early,"

"Shall we just go back to yours?"

Lee pulled a face, "you heard my mum, that white bastard will be there waiting to beat my ass,"

We were now outside. I clutched my jacket tighter.

"Well there's nothing to do and it's freezing outside,"

"Urgh, fine, let's just go back to your place!" he cried.

I'd beat him myself if I weren't so cold.

"My mum has someone round for dinner. I don't think she'll appreciate that,"

By someone, I meant Marco. Lee huffed then unexpectedly gasped.

"I know, what about the pub near school? I've got fake ID,"

I was now close to raising a fist.

"Oh really, how exactly does that help me? Besides, you know I look twelve without makeup,"

"Urgh, Jay!"


He placed both hands on his hips.

"Well, there is one last resort. My friends having a drink up down Carrick,"

I raised an eyebrow.

"What do you think?" asked Lee.

I snorted, "I'm not going,"

"Jay, you're so frigging difficult, why the hell not?"

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