CHAPTER 16: Betti 'MANEATER' Contostavlos

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2 weeks earlier

Mathematics wasn't exactly my forte, you see. To be honest, not many subjects were. Media in general was alright but the people, well Asher, made me now hate it. Speaking of the devil, I turned as I heard one of the invigilators call 'Rows Q, S, T and U' from outside. Asher Solomon would be amongst.

I held my breath as he and other students entered in silence, throwing their jackets and bag at the far end of the examination hall. A friend of Asher's muttered something in his ear and they both chuckled discreetly. He strolled about until he found his seat.

"Face the front,"

Then Kat bloody Tran brushed past his seat with her limp hair and lanky legs in search for hers. Even when she found it, he couldn't keep his eyes off her.

"Face the front!"

Urgh, I'm so over him!

"Excuse me, do you want to sit this exam?"

I spun in my seat distraught to be met by the stern face of an invigilator. I gulped.

"Face the front!"

I did so and slithered down my seat in utter shame. I'm sure all eyes were on me.

"Easiest exam ever!"

"You're joking right?" I muttered, knowing he wasn't.

"Like it matters how I perform anyway, Fedora are only concerned about the star in me. Fedora, here I come!"

"I thought you said you were thinking about staying here for sixth form?"

"You're joking right?" Lee scoffed.

He soon elbowed me in the arm and directed his head to the school gates. He pretended to hold a lit cigarette in his hand to his lips, then draw away, blowing his breath into my face. Revolting.


"Come on, I'm all out,"


"Please Jay,"

"Don't look at me like that, break ends in ten," out of the examination hall and into the playground. It wasn't our usual hangout but Lee was already looking for an escape out of school to buy a packet of cigarettes. I sighed and checked the bus countdown app on my phone. I could never hold my ground.

"Alright, but only because the 41 is due,"

"You know to come with me,"

"This is the thanks I get then?"

Lee nodded.

"The day we get caught-"

"Bitch don't kill my vibe,"

I rolled my eyes.

"Speaking of vibes, I'm very much in the Christmas spirit and would appreciate if someone bought me this lovely leather jacket," I winked.

"Ha, funny," Lee spat.

Before leaving the playground, I gleamed flicking through pictures in my phone.

Lee screamed.

"No!" I yelled.

Some careless soul barged into me, making my phone rocket to the ground. Another boy followed him in fury, stepping on the screen of my phone.

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