CHAPTER 23: Karrueche 'THE BOY IS MINE' Tran

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Asher 'AskYoGirl' Solomon

Hello stranger

Asher had sent an inbox on Facebook. I'd been avoiding his calls all week.

Jay N Haul


Soon an instant message popped up.

*Where've you been?*

It was from Asher.

*Oh, you know*

I replied. I'd also been avoiding Facebook.

*Lol no I don't*

Butterflies filled my stomach.

*I'm really embarrassed okay :(*

After everything, I'd allowed alcohol and social awkwardness to mix again. This time the outcome was almost suicidal.

Asher sent a laughing emoji.

*Forget about it*

I waited a while before I replied.

*I can't, I'm so sorry*

*Ar Jay relax. Lol reminds me of you at my birthday party*

*OMG did I throw up?*

I was now on the verge of slitting my wrists.

*LOL no, well, don't you remember?*

To be quite frank, Asher's party was one big blur.

*...not really :(*

Asher sent another laughing emoji.

*Ar, don't worry*

I was annoyed, partly at the fact that Asher wasn't going to tell me and partly at the fact that I'd given him something to hold over me. But if I was honest, I'd rather keep the little pride I had left and be oblivious to whatever happened.

*Come mine next week*

Asher sent shortly. Was that even a question?

*I'm not sure*

*Why not?*

I didn't reply.

*Jay come. No alcohol, no parties, no funny business. Ey, we could watch that film for our media exam*

*We're supposed to analyse it you know*

*Yh, yh, that too*

I sent a laughing emoji.

*Okay fine*

School was soon closing for the Christmas holidays and I was over the moon. I loved everything about the festive season. Hot chocolate, jumpers, presents and bright lights. Ice skating, Santa Claus, fake snow and mum's cookies. Yum.

When the last day of school did approach, I found myself walking around school with Lee and his annoying friend Betti.

'I hope we both get into Fedora,' Betti beamed. I'd forgot she applied there.

Surprisingly Lee wasn't paying much attention.

'I hate being in this sixth form, it fucking sucks,' she continued.

She was wearing a white furry jumper, a silver chain with her name, a mini leather skirt, thick black tights and vagabond boots. As much as I hated Betti, she slayed every outfit.

Lee was silent and it wasn't until I looked up from my phone that I realised why.

We had stepped into the hardcourt where all the cool year elevens hung. At the nearest exist was Karrueche's entourage, Shakara and Megan, a few other guys and Luther. Luther was also known in school as the guy who beat up Lee.

'Aha, so this is where all the youngers jam,' she giggled, despite the fact that she 'jammed' with these very same youngers.

'We can go the other way,' I beckoned towards Lee.

'Why would we do that?' he blankly responded.

I scrunched my face aand he looked any place else but me. Betti was clearly obvliousof the situation and Lee was a fool if he believed he could walk past Luther andnot get attacked.I cut my eyes from Lee and looked back at the pack. From afar I could spot Karrueche approaching them and behind Karrueche was Asher.

'Yo Ash,' a couple of guys nodded as Karrueche and Asher made their way over. Karrueche hugged her friends.

I found it very hard to distinguish what they were saying, especially with Betti's annoying voice in my ear. It's not like we weren't miles away but we weren't at speaking distance either.

'What no invite?' Luther uttered to Karrueche.

'I don't even like you,' I think she said, from reading her lips.

'Ah, don't do me like that,'

They all continued talking until Karrueche began pulling on Asher's arm and waving at the rests faces.

'Where you going?' Shakara, also known as the beg friend, roared. It was never hard to hear what she had to say.

Karrueche responded and Asher rolled his eyes.

'Why are we just standing in the middle of a court-' and before Betti even finished, a ball whacked me right in the head.

'Oh my God, Jay are you okay?' she asked half serious, half laughing.

If I wasn't so much in shock, I would have slapped her in the face. Okay, I wouldn't have but still. I heard a few sniggers by those who smartly positioned themselves by the sidelines but the majority on the court were guys who eithertold us to get the f#** out the way or carried on with their game.

'Okay, let's get out of here,' Lee summoned when he realised we'd caught attention by a particular person on the side.

Luckily I was still lost so the embarrassment hadn't fully sunk in. Irrespective of that very moment that I stupidly looked back and amongst the cool kids, was met by the face of Asher. He was puzzled, not knowing if it was me, until his infamous grin crept up on his lips. Dazed, I held my head and stare. That was until Karrueche joined his side. The Queen carefully placed one hand firmly on his shoulder and fired mesmerising yet lethal daggers at me. She was protecting her King.

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