CHAPTER 4: Lizzie 'ME-ME-ME-ME' Field

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After my Geography lesson, I waited outside the school gates for Lee.

"BOO!" someone shot in my ear as well as pushing me from behind.

"Ahhhh!" I screamed in shock, Asher's birthday invitation fell from my clasp. I regretted not waiting to get back home to look at it some more. There was a long silence.

"What's this?" Lee asked curiously, picking it up from the ground. I quickly snatched it from his grasp.

"Can you stop creeping up on me, sheesh?!" I tried to change the subject but Lee's eye narrowed. He was already aware it was the invitation to the elite party of the year I had in my hands. He chuckled, shaking his head.

"Where'd you find that?" he pointed as we began to walk.

"Find what?" I was slightly ahead of him. I didn't want to chat on the way to his so I found my iPhone and headphones inside my leather satchel. Lee continued, why's he always got to talk so damn much?

"Jay don't fuck with me, you know what I'm talking about," I tried to quicken my pace but he caught up. He then pulled me back.

"I didn't find anything so shut up!" I stopped in my tracks; he too.

"What," he snickered, "are you telling me you actually got invited?" he raised his eyebrows. Wow, was my low-ranking in my year group so poor I wasn't even elective for an invite? Who am I kidding, of course I wasn't.

"Yes," I answered.

"...You?" he scrunched up his face, "wow, now I've heard it all," I didn't say much, if anything his remark was a little offensive but the truth hurts. If my own best friend who gave a middle finger to people's opinions and these absurd statuses thought even I wasn't good enough to attend this party, I'd dread to think what those showing up would.

I felt a horrible feeling in my throat.

It was a cut out of the letter 'A' made from card which had been laminated. It was black and both sides had text. What I presumed was the front, had the words, 'Birthday Party.

AN INVATATION TO CELEBRATE ASHER'S 16TH', printed across the middle. The font was non serif and in the colour yellow. The first line was large and bold, the second small. The back had key information about the venue, bringing the invite for entry, dress code and contact number, as well as his Blackberry Messenger pin. How it all fitted and still seemed clear and presentable, was a mystery to me. It wasn't like Thomas' cousin didn't do a good job but surprisingly, there was nothing 'wowza' about it. It wasn't about the invite's appearance its self that got everyone who's everyonegassed, but the night that came with it. Altogether it was simple, but at the same time, very suave. Funnily enough, very Asher.

I yawned and placed it down on Lee's desk. His bedroom didn't match his style. He was very bright, bold and daring with what he wore. Lee was extremely chic but sometimes his fashion was so out there, it drew attention and often left me abashed whenever I was out with him. His bedroom was slightly larger than mine but messier. Sometimes I couldn't stand the clutter; I was a bit of a neat freak. It was usually that annoying 'getting ready to go out but can't decide what to wear, so I'll try everything on in my wardrobe' mess, which was jumbled over his sofa, floor boards and bed. Lee's room at times seemed very dark and sombre, at the fact that little or no light ever came in - his suede curtain were always drawn closed. I glanced away from his desk and stared at his poster of the band 'Tame Impala', which was pinned up underneath his bookshelf. Tame Impala were one of his favourites.

I heard the door creak open and turned to find Lee entering, rubbing his bare belly. It was coincidental we were both the only child to our parents, so it was always the prime excuse to use to stay over each other's house. Lee lived alone with his parents. His father was actually white and his mother Filipino. They lived in a large apartment, further away from school, so sometimes for me, it was a bit of travel, coming down. Lee's mum didn't work, unlike his father but barely of them were ever home. I wasn't sure of Lee's father occupation though, whenever I asked Lee, he always shrugged and said it was 'confidential'. I didn't have the same relationship with Lee's parents, Imee and Don, like Lee had with my mum. Partially because I find it hard to warm up to people but mainly seeing as they were never around. This gave Lee the excuse to be disobedient by throwing drink ups which I never attended, bringing random guys into the house and smoking. He was doing so a while ago.

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