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As mum reversed into a parking space on the sidewalk, I could hear the pumping music already blasting from Club 88. The party was around the corner so I'd have to get out and walk, seeing as mum had been driving around in circles just for a parking space, only to drop me off.

I watched as girls in next to nothing, squealed with excitement and delight as they waddled in towering heels on the streets of Malden Way. Boys, my age and older, were all in their best dressed. Some were trying to front, attempting to draw meat before they'd even reached inside. The car engine stopped and so did my pulse. This is it; I was here. I held the invite in my clasp tightly, not wanting to leave the car.

"Oh gosh, are they all going to the same party?" Mum referred to a skinny girl in a pair of hot pants and five inch heels. I didn't answer, though it was pretty obvious. Malden Way was a sophisticated area uptown which was the home to many bars and clubs that were expensive to book and came with an age minimum of eighteen. Seeing grotty school kids around here wasn't the norm, so goodness knows how Asher got a booking at one of the venues here.

"Christ, she thinks she's hot stuff as well," usually I would have cracked up at mum but I was feeling agitated. I felt sick too and just wanted her to drive me home right away.

"Well, I'll see you later Jay," I opened my mouth. You know when you want to tell someone something so bad but you continue to procrastinate until it's too late? That's exactly what I did. I pursed my lips together.

"Have you got your phone so you can gimme a ring when it's finished?" I scowled and grappled my pockets. I'd left it at home. She realised too. This was the perfect opportunity to tell her I didn't want to go in. She'd be annoyed that she'd driven all the way up here, but I'd be relieved in my bedroom if I did. When she became aware my phone wasn't on me, she caught sight of the invite and snatched it from my grasp.

"Eight until late...when exactly is late?" she sighed, waiting for an answer. I didn't reply.

"How does twelve sound?" once again no reply, "okay, I'll be here for twelve,"


"I'm sacrificing sleep to pick you up!" She snapped. She handed back the invitation and I stepped out the car against my will. I closed the door as mum winded down the window and leaned out.

"Have fun," I clutched onto my jacket for warmth. It was breezy outside and my legs unhappily endured the cold. Heaven only knows how bad the girl in shorts, exposing her bum cheeks must be feeling. I bit my bottom lip, now this was really it. Either tell mum now or forever take back ringing up Lee for the invitation.


"Yes Jay?"

"...Don't be late," I couldn't. Mum smirked.

"Look who's talking!" She waved bye and her Ford Fiesta in a little while disappeared. I stomped on the ground, threw my hands into my pockets and groaned. Jay, why do you put yourself into such problems? I couldn't exactly tell her to drive me back home though, she'd given up her 'precious beauty sleep' to bring me up here. Plus, she looked happy for me, thinking I'd actually taken on board her advice and made new friends. Making new friends had nothing to do with this. I had other intentions of attending this party, and at this point, I was considering if catching a glance of Asher's face was really worth it?

More obvious party comers for Asher's made their way down the street, being as blatant as possible. They were loud, cheeky and ready to dance the night away...I glanced down at myself; I couldn't even try to fit in. But it wasn't like I could make my own way back home from Malden Way; I had no money or bus pass. Just the clothes on my back and this stupid invite - the invite to the party of the year. The invite to Asher, but he said I didn't matter so what would he care if I was here? I know people from school that would kill for this piece of card, but not me. This wasn't my scene, I wasn't interested...but I was interested in Asher and no matter how much I tried to convince myself against it all, I had the invite. I had an invite to Asher. I blocked out any thoughts of fear, regret and sense and began walking. After every step I took, the sole of my wedges hit the ground and clicked and clacked with a clique of white girls also making their way to the club. My footsteps felt heavier after each step was made. Asher was only a corner away. When I was still in mum's car, it was about half eight. Being outside now, it was chilly and dark. Club 88 appeared to be a brick building, was decently sized and distinctive, even though there were a couple of other night clubs about. This part of Malden Way was where the night life existed, I'd say. The only time I'd ever come down to Malden Way was if I was with Lee and we were going to Scrooby street. Scrooby Street was a lot different from the rest of Malden Way. It was less sharp and in place but more grungy and unkempt. There were tattoo parlours, shabby bars but the home to some amazing market stalls, Lee and I adored for their Vintage clothing.

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