CHAPTER 5: Thomas 'SWEET BOY' Gibrilla

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*Not gonna be in until break*

I closed the text message from Lee and shut the front door behind me.

"Jay, hurry up, I'm gonna be late for my appointment!" mum wound down her car window and hooted impatiently. I paced towards the black Ford Fiesta and jumped into the passenger seat beside her. She then turned the radio on to Capital FM and reversed out of the driveway.

"Next song playing is Edge of Glory by Lady Gaga," on the drive to school, I watched as mum repeatedly pressed random buttons to turn down the radio.

"Oh gosh," she murmured, " you doing anything at the end of the day then?" mum questioned me, her eyes still on the road.

"Erm, no," I replied, slightly distracted. I was answering back to Lee's message.

"Well I was thinking we could go down to the Mall like you said and treat ourselves," this was the same suggestion I'd made yesterday but apparently mum thought otherwise: she too busy. Mum was obviously trying to make up for it but it was too late and I didn't see the point. I don't think a shopping spree will help me forget anymore, especially as I'll be forced to see Asher throughout today.

"What do you think?"

"Great," I fibbed, looking out the window.

"Great, well after my appointment I'll be free for the whole day. I'll be parked outside your gates, after school, so meet me there," she finished, turning back up the volume of the radio.

"...And I'm hanging on a moment with you, I'm on the edge with you,"

We'd reached. I got out the vehicle hesitantly but before I slammed the door, mum spoke again,

"Sorry about yesterday, hun. Work load makes me cranky," she chuckled.

"It's okay, forget about it," I dismissed. I wasn't even bothered; my mind was fixated on greater things. I watched as she said bye then finally sped off out of sight. I breathed out heavily and dragged my feet through the school gates of Morris High. How I hated this place.

When I'd gotten inside the building, I went straight into my form class like on any other normal school day. Seeing as Lee wouldn't be here until later on, I got to my desk, flung my satchel on my table and drew out my maths books. At least now I'd actual have some time to myself to complete homework. The warning bell hadn't yet gone off but already other students in my form wandered in babbling. I envied them. I peered up and noticed my form tutor, Miss Davis, seated in front of a computer screen, eating fruit out of a pot with one hand and using the other to click away with a mouse. She was an attractive, cheerful teacher who was a pleasure to be around with. She often wore her brown hair back in a bun, which helped bring out the smile, always on her face.

"Miss, can I have one?" a student in class noticed her eating and joked. Miss shook her head and as usual, smirked.

"Back in your seat Susan," her accent was strong; she told us she was from South Africa.

I continued with my work, hoping I could stay in the safety of my form room all day.

The alarming school bell to begin the first lesson of the day, rung. On Tuesdays, I started off my day with two periods of Media. Today was Monday and I started off my day with one period of Media. Usually I'd be relieved but today I just wanted to bury my head in sand. After Saturday's conversation, I just couldn't face Asher. I wonder what had gotten into me to say what I did. Then I remembered all the mean things Asher said back. The words 'someone who doesn't matter' dwelled upon me. God, I just wanted to hide.

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