CHAPTER 21: Lee 'SNAKED THE SET' Cheng-Harris

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'That was close,' Asher smirked, unlocking the toilet door and leading the way out.

I cautiously followed, aware that Shakara and her fellows had long gone but was hesitant she'd come back. Asher pulled me towards him.

'I think it's best if we don't speak in school,' I blurted out.

There was a long pause.

'Why not?' he asked, screwing his face.

'You're with...' I couldn't even bring myself to say it.

'Ah,' he waved his hands as if he was trying to dismiss it.

He leaned in for a kiss. I turned my face and glared at the ground. I couldn't believe him. Asher smacked his lips together.

There was another long pause.

''Ight,' he shrugged, trying to regain his pride.


Irritated, he turned away, picked my coat from the ground and placed it by the toilet basin. He then walked out. I sighed as the toilet door slammed shut. What was I getting myself into?

It was the end of school and I was more than relieved. I was feeling pretty crappy after my encounter with Asher. We got caught in the moment and I let things get too far, then things spiralled terribly out of control. Never again. In school anyway. I pulled out my phone as Lee joined me half-minded by my side.

*You alright?*

I sent.

Asher gave a hasty response.

*Why wouldn't I be?*

'Okay,' I muttered slightly annoyed, now moving my attention towards Lee, 'my mum should be here any minute,'

'Oh, I'm not coming home with you today,'

'Why not?' I dropped my arms in annoyance.


'Lee, over here!' his friends called.

'I've got things to do, see you around!' he darted over as mum pulled up by the school gates.

'Hey girllll,' mum dragged, as I threw my bag in and entered the car.


'How was school?'

'Fine,' I lied.

'I thought Lee was coming over today?' she questioned starting up the car.

'He has other plans,' I replied as she awkwardly drove past him and his friends on the pavement.

'Oh,' she nodded, not knowing what to say, 'well that's good for him.'


*It's like a virtual relationship?!'

Asher shot on Facebook. I did initially start my afternoon with school work but decided that browsing Facebook for five minutes wouldn't be a problem. It had now been twenty minutes and Asher and I were arguing.

*I guess it is*

I replied. He was still annoyed.

*Is this what you really want?*

*Well it's not like you've given me much of a choice*

*For fucks sake*

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