CHAPTER 27: Asher 'CHAMP' Solomon

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Ding, rang the doorbell.

I jumped up from the sofa and mum's favourite throw came down with me. It was the start of the weekend and I had the house all to myself. Mum was away for a couple of days so I decided to invite company.

I neatened myself up in our mirror that was adjacent to the front door. I was bare faced with a touch of mascara, kohl eyeliner and lip-gloss. I'd never tried hair extensions, so mum convinced me to get Poetic Justice braids for a change. They were thick, jet black and swang just above the dimples in my back. I was in love.

I peered through the peep hole and through the fish-eye lens I mustered Asher stood shtum, feet forward and legs apart. His gaze was on his phone and his Ellesse bag on the floor. I pulled back, took a deep breath and opened the front door.

'Jay,' Asher smirked.

He thrusted his phone into his coat pocket, leant forward and wrapped me in his arms.

'Hey,' I giggled.

He let go and I stepped aside for him to enter.

'How was the journey?' I asked.

'Not bad...well I got a lift,' he replied.

'Oh, okay,' I nodded.

Asher chuckled.

'Well, welcome to my homely abode,' I smiled, taking his hand.

'Nice,' he said as I led him into the front room.

"Nice" was probably an overstatement considering his place was a show-house. By the time we were sat on the sofa, he'd already made himself comfortable. He'd kicked off his kicks and done away his jacket.

Soon Asher and I sat side by side, face to face, with our legs entwined.

'I love these,' he said, wrapping his fingers around my braids.

'Thanks,' I said, 'I love them too.'

He smiled before leaning in and placing his buttery soft lips on mine. Fluttery butterflies filled my insides as I kissed him back. His hands began to trace my body and mine, his. He breathed softly before I pulled away.

'Would you like something to drink?' I asked half-flustered.

Asher smirked.

'I'll have whatever you're having.'

'Alright,' I breathed.

As I got up from the sofa, Asher wrestled me back down. I chuckled as I pushed him off.

'I'll be two seconds.'

I stepped into the kitchen and shakily retrieved two J2O's from the fridge. My mind was racing and my chest was pounding but I kept my cool. I popped open the lids and searched for mum's stash of curly straws.

'Jay!' Asher called.

'Coming!' I replied as I plunked a straw into each bottle.

'Have you got a Crosley?!'

'What?!' I shot, before realising he was on about the record player in the front room, 'oh yeah, it's my mum's!'

After some fiddling, ‪Salt n Pepa‬ began to seep into the kitchen.

'I wanna shoop, baby!'

I grabbed the bottles and made my way back into the front room. Asher was sat back on the sofa nodding his head to mum's vinyl.

'My mum's all about the 90s,' I said shaking my head.

'Is it?' he replied, taking both bottles from my hands and placing them on a side table.

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