CHAPTER 7: Betti 'GIRL NEXT DOOR' Contostavlos

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"You look nice," mum smiled from the bottom of the stairs. She'd just come back from the salon a few hours ago. Usually my mum wore her hair in its natural state, a kinky afro, but lately she's wanted to try something new. She had super long box braids which reached almost her bottom, she was happy with them and I too, quite liked.

I took one step at a time carefully in my blue, suede, wedges. I stopped halfway and questioned what I'd gotten myself into.

"Thanks," I managed to let out.

"You ready for me to drop you off?"

"I guess...lemme just grab my coat," I dashed back into my room for a leather jacket to throw on and the birthday invitation left on my desk. I approached it slowly and starred down at the 'A' shaped card, which was still noticeable, even though it looked shegged. I couldn't believe I was actually going.


I got out the examination hall and felt butterflies in my stomach. I regretted picking Geography, seeing as I was no good and it would obviously show in my results. I sighed, despite all my hard work and effort, I still flopped another exam - mum would understand but I knew deep down, she wouldn't be very pleased. When pupils and I had reached outside, some were already screaming how insanely hard the test was. At least I wasn't the only one.

It was well past the end of the day, the exam had actually run a little over time. I was now beginning to make my way home as there was unfinished Mandarin coursework for tomorrow, waiting for me but I couldn't keep the exam I just had off my mind. I needed someone to chat to. I stepped out the school gates and drew out my phone to ring Lee.


"Hey, it's Jay,"

"Don't you think I know that? People have caller ID for a reason you know," he kissed his teeth.

"Lee - my gosh - you are so unbearable sometimes," I groaned. "I am not, I'm just stating the obvious!" I shook my head.

"Whatever, so ask me how my exam went?"

"How did your exam go?" I wasn't ever the type to swear, but I did feel like expressing my opinion with a bag of foul words.

I took a deep breath, still on the phone, waiting at the bus stop. I was exhausted so I decided to wait for the next 41.

"Can someone say, 'F'!" I replied.

"Oh, come on, stop exaggerating, I'm sure you didn't do that bad,"

"Yes I did, I was writing rubbish in my paper!" he laughed, though I could hear speaking from where he was. Lee usually caught the train home alone and whoever was speaking sounded like they were with him.

"You never know Jay, stop worrying. For now just be happy and glad its over," I brushed off what he said as the background noise continued.

"Where are you?" I questioned.


"Hairdressers? What are you doing there?"

"I'm getting my hair dyed red," he let it out with such ease, although my reaction was the complete opposite.

"Red, are you mad? You're gonna stick out like a sore thumb!"

"Jay, I already stick out - everyone can see that," I was wondering if what he was referring to as 'that', was what I thought it was, "anyway, my friend Betti yeah, I'm with her now, she's getting half of her hair shaved off so..." I scowled when he mentioned he was with a friend. What friend? He should be with me. Then I wondered, we go everywhere together, why wasn't I there? Why hadn't he asked me instead? Who else was there? Why hadn't he bothered to even tell me of his plans beforehand?

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