CHAPTER 9: Karrueche 'ICE-QUEEN' Tran

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"Jay, is Lee still coming for dinner?!" mum shot from her room. I didn't respond, I was much too engrossed.

"Jay!" my room door soon swung open and I nearly jumped. Mum stood in the doorway and kissed her teeth, "You deaf?" she was in a robe and socks. Her box braids tied back.

I laughed in her face.


She rolled her eyes and continued.

"Is Lee still coming round?"

I grabbed hold of my phone and opened an unread text message.

"...Yep, he's on his way," I went back to my laptop.

"Anything you want in particular?"

"The usual," I replied. She continued to make small talk but I wasn't paying attention.

"...Jay!" I jumped again, looking straight up at her. She shook her head.

"You pay more flipping attention to that laptop than me! Lemme guess, you're on Facebook again?" I gave her a blank look as she scowled, then pointed towards my Dock.

"And turn that racket off if you still want a takeout; it's giving me a headache!" she slammed my door shut and I shivered. Lizzie was sounding more like a mum every single day. That or maybe she's on her period...

"It's like '09 in your basement and I'm in love with Nebbie and I still love her but it fell through because I wasn't ready and your back hurt, and your neck hurt and you smoking heavy and I sit next to you, and I lecture you 'cause those are deadly..."

*LOOOL fair enough*

I sent a smiley face icon.


It was a Sunday evening, the whole day I'd slept in, suffering an immense hangover from yesterday. I think I went a bit O.T.T with the drinks last night, the final thing I recall was that awkward conversation with Thomas. That and taking a bottle of Lambrini with me from the serene room and heading back down to the ground floor.

What a bummer.

As soon as I signed onto Facebook, a conversation with Asher abruptly popped up. I was stunned to say the least, the last time I remember Asher and I weren't on speaking terms. Maybe he didn't hate me so much seeing as I actually bothered to turn up to that bogus party of his. Asher didn't mention much about yesterday, to be honest randomness was the subject of our conversation. I was just happy. It was like old times again.

I was feeling nosey, so I surfed Asher's profile for any pictures seeing as my memory had been completely wiped. He hadn't uploaded any recently himself, although he was already tagged in 168 party photos so far. I was about enlarging them until I noticed his profile picture.

*How long has that been your pp?!*

I frenetically typed and sent, my pulse increased and my headache was making a comeback. I already knew how long, it was only four minutes ago but I wanted him to know I wasn't cool about it. How did I not realise from the thumbnail? There were already two likes and one comment.

Natasha Solomon You and you're female friend are looking hot Ash x

Natasha seemed to be a family member of Asher's, an older cousin perhaps? The 'female friend' she referred to however was me... Why on Earth was there a picture of Asher and me? I ignored how good we looked together, even though he did seem somewhat tipsy and me, dazed.

*LOL what do you mean, don't you like it?*

I was stood boldly; my tongue seductively stuck out at the corner of my top lip, as if I was ready to lick them. I was leaning up on Asher, he was directly behind me. One arm came around my shoulder. His other arm was stuck out and he held out his middle finger. The arm of his which was around me, I wrapped mine around. His eyes were squinted and his mouth open, as if he was in mid sentence.

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