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I sighed after turning off my alarm, spawning me to lean up from bed and yawn.

I absolutely hated school; I was such an outcast. If it wasn't for my friend Lee, I don't know what I'd do.

I smiled at the text he'd sent me early this morning:

*Bitch, you best be coming in today!*

I picked up my iPhone from my end table and replied:

*This is the good morning I get yeah? And don't worry, I am*

If I didn't hurry, I would begin to run late; no different from the norm. After a hot shower, I did the essentials then threw on my uniform. I had a white shirt, black fitted trousers and my school blazer. I fastened my tie around my collar then began with my hair. My dark, in colour, hair came past my armpit and was relaxed again from the week before. I combed it out with a turquoise, wide-tooth comb and left it down as usual. I smiled feebly then grabbed my River Island tote bag; my books were already packed from the night before.

"Have a good day at school babe,"

"Aren't you giving me a lift?" I scrunched up my face after entering mum's room to find she wasn't ready. She was still lying in bed, wrapped in her bed covers. I'd do anything to skip school again and join her.

"No, I can't. Some clients are coming anytime soon in the morning to pick up some things so I've got to stick around,"

I sighed. I also hated public transport, I'd become too comfortable as appointing mother as my personal chauffeur.

"Whatever, see you then,"

"Sorry hun', bye," she fanned me over, so we could kiss goodbye. After, we shared a few words and I walked out, closing her bedroom door behind me.

We argued like any other parent and child but I couldn't deny the relationship I shared with her, I thought as I wandered on the bus 41. We were so close; I swore, I was her best friend, although we were two completely different people. She was the more outgoing, loud, over-confident, crazy type and I was the more reserved, quiet, feeble, weird one. Sometimes it left me questioning who the real teenager between us was.

Usually at such times, the bus was already crammed with students in all years, who mostly attended my school, forcing me to stand. My school was a twenty minute walk away from home but if I had bothered, I'd have probably gone late for the third time this half term and find myself with a detention. Fortunatley, the ride was a straight bus from home, to right in front of the school gates.

With my Skull Candy headphones in and Teyana Taylor's remix to 'Marvin's room' playing sweet melodies in my ears, I gazed around the bus in curiosity and spotted a few girls who appeared familiar. When I studied them carefully, I realised it was Karrueche, Shakara and Megan, probably the three most known girls in my year. By 'known', I meant bait,everyone knew them. How did I know? Facebook told me.

It's funny when you're at the bottom of the chain, you know all and feed on about those on top, whilst those on top are only concerned about them and those equivalent to their status, totally disregarding and holding up their noises to any below. Asher knew better and was different, to me anyway.

He didn't really speak about it but I already knew he had an outrageous lifestyle, though we were all considered quite young. I wasn't sure entirely but I knew there was something going on between him and Karrueche. Whether they were going out, I was unsure of. When I checked his relationship status yesterday, it did say 'Married' though.

To him, I was probably another 'yat' he enjoyed passing time by speaking to, but to me, I felt a lot more. Why he had any interest in me still leaves me puzzled. He said a lot of things which seemed nice that I'd like to hear but I wasn't a fool. I didn't allow that get the best of me. School seemed like a fantasy world, only concerned about status and popularity. Everyone was in it and I knew my place. I was nobody.

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