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This was all written in one day (at school) =) enjoy

Harry POV:

I had noticed that Career Advice day was closing in and I honestly had no idea what I wanted to be. Being an Auror sounded cool and tempting, but I was beginning to doubt I would ever enjoy it as much as I previously thought I would. I was made for brach decisions and battles, not police work, following the law and all that jazz.  It would fit Ron, not me.

Jackson had spoken to me about it after dinner along with Fred, George, Hermione, and Ron.  The twins had teased their brother endlessly for wanting to work with the Ministry as an Auror. It had opened my eyes. If I worked as an Auror, I would have to listen to the politicians and all their dumb ideas and orders, no questions asked. It sounded like a nightmare.

Jackson had sat in the plush chair the Room of Requirements had conjured and leaned back. While the room was discovered, no teacher would believe that they would actually go back there to meet up. It was backward psychology, Percy explained. 

Percy crossed his legs, "So, what are you thinking of? Wanna be an Auror like Ron?" I bit my lip and looked at him, I was hunched over clasping my hands together. "What are you planning? Have you been thinking about it? Or potion mastery?" he chuckled slightly as he noticed I was trying to evade the question. "Nah, I want to study marine biology AND potions after this. I have been planning to work with equines as well, want to broaden my chances. Maybe have my own ranch with pegasi, unicorns and so on." I raised an eyebrow, somehow that fit right into Percy Jackson's image.

The Slytherin tapped his leg, "now, what do YOU want to do? Don't think about what others want you to do, but what do you truly want?" it was at these times I understood why Fred liked Percy so, he was considerate and loveable. He actually cared to find out what I wanted, something few people did. Most just assumed I wanted to be an Auror, even if that was true for quite some time. 

"I have no idea. I thought an Auror life would be what I wanted but now I'm not so sure." I let out a sigh and ran my hand through my ruffled hair. How pathetic, The Boy Who Lived can't even make up his mind what he want's to be in life. "It's okay, I am not completely sure either. The way I even got a clue was when I went through everything I like and thought about what jobs are connected to that." I looked up at Fred's boyfriend and locked eyes with him. He looked sincere and the creepy look he sometimes had was gone. He gave me a piece of muggle paper and a black pen, "here, write them down."

Taking the paper and the pen I thought back to all the things I enjoyed doing. Tapping the pen on my chin I leaned back into the plush chair and went down memory lane. It took some time but after about 10 minutes my paper was filled with some things. I had noticed that Percy was constantly shaking his leg, tapping his hand and nodding to music that isn't even there. I wondered what was wrong with him and how he survived Umbridge's classes.

I enjoy/like






Owls and other birds of prey

Defense against the Dark arts

Helping people

It was a decent list. I noticed when I was thinking that there was a lot of things I was good at, but that I didn't really like doing. I am good at fighting dark witches and wizards, but I never enjoyed it since it meant someone had gone off the deep end and could/would hurt somebody. I also noticed that helping people was the main reason I have done all those adventures, never for glory or excitement, but rather since it was necessary to help people.

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