An eventful Christmas

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A/N : ITS ISTANBUL NOT CONSTANTINOPEL! Oh yeah its this Trevor Horn Orchestra dude that is the artist, do you think he is related to Trevor the Toad?

*I used weeks on this, this chappie is more than four times longer than my exam, like daaaam.

Percys bedroom, sixth floor, Riddle Manor , night before Christmas:

Percy POV:

The plan of stealing The Crown of Ptolemy must be the best idea ever. Lady Nekhbet and I were going splendid together. We have our differences, she is much harsher than I, but together we make a great team.

Grampa Voldie and mum are 'evil' once again. Okay they might be realy evil this time, DumbOldBore had manadged to make them compleatly evil by Imerio-ing Link and Hink. Since I have some sort of godly-protectionbarrier around my soul and mind I ended up 'partly-evil'. I know that this is not the real me, but I cant stop whatever the evil part of me is doing. I can only do small differences.

I think Draco knows, he did after all get Crucioed by Gramp. He knows there are two Dark Riddles, he does however have no clue about me, evil-me. The reason I know he dont know is because he came running into our sleepingquarters after reporting to Gramp stuttering about The Dark Lord being back.

I know Draco dont realy support The Dark Lords way of thought so I am not surprized that he is so shaken. He never realy fight the most dangerous monsters, he gets scared by the Weasleys gods dam it, he is no fighting material. He is more I-will-protect-my-family-and-friends-no-matter-the-cause type. Draco have decided to protect me from DumbOldBore so I cant go evil like Gramp and mum.

I realy do appriciate the effort, but he was for once a bit late.

The feeling of being part-evil is strange. You see yourself going things, you are somewhat controlling what you do, but big desicions are made by the evil part. Like I go down a hall its Good-Percy that is charge, I go to classes and such, but I am unable to stop evil-me from reserching Dark Magic in our (mine) spare time.

It mostly a insync experience, our decisions get mixed sometimes. Like if Evil-me, that actually likes the name Perseus, wants to kill for example Fred, I am 90% sure that I will be able to stop it. Since Perseus is only able to understand aggressive and very strong feelings/thoughts, I have to have strong opinions of the person to be able to convince Perseus to let 'em be.

Now that I think about it, it would be easier if Fred and George are in my 'army'. I could be their...accuantee, I know they would follow Hades' orders over mine. If they are neutral or on my side, neather Perseus, Gramp, mum or the Death Eaters would hurt them. The reason George is allowed is because, you want get George, its like a 2 for 1 deal in a shoe shop.

Ah Fred. I gazed out my bedroom window at Riddle Manor, the stars in the ink black sky twinkled down at the grassy grounds. Fred is absolutely beautiful. However, could this 'ship' as Draco puts it ever go well at sea? Mabye in a lake where there are few disturbances, but in the wide open sea it can get to ruff.

I might never be able to take him to camp and introduce him to my world. The camp mabye never accepts him, they might even kill him or worse. The camp have suffered so many wars and betrayals so they might try to force knowledge out of Fred and George. They might look at me as an enemy, mabye they would feel like I betrayed them.

What if it did go well there. Would mom and dad feel the same way, Paul? 

I blinked away stray tears and ignored Luke the seconds concerned coo. Paul, the only 'non-evil' left. He is still teaching at Goode, he have contact with mom with her eather apperating to him, or he to her, or with IM-messages. He is somehow able to break though Evil-mom and get to Sally, the one he married. Love do break strong spells if the other part is willing enoth.

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampWhere stories live. Discover now