Changes and Crown

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A/N: I dont think The Kane Chronicles will be a major part in this story, but this is based on The Crown of Ptolemy

Carter Kane POV

I sat at the edge of the pool where the two crocodiles were playing. It was night and no one else were awake. I dont realy know why I am sitting here, but it just felt right. I had my khopesh in my lap.

The lights of the city around me lit up the clouds in the dark, it looked like ink with a orange pot on it.

Something flew past me in the dark. It looked the size of a human, but with the speed of bullet. The thing landed on the balcony 10 meters away. It was laying on the ground crying, its long bushy brown hair covering its face. I crept towards the figure with my khopesh ready incase it was a trick.

The figure lifted its head. Her brown hair looked ruffeled and bushy, like a crow nest. Crazy brown eyes with tears flowing stared desprately at me. Her black robes, who wears robes anyway?, were torn and had a red crest with a lion on it. A broomstick was next to her.

I walked towards her with my khopesh ready incase she starts attacking. She flinshed when I got close, her eyes wide and staring on my sword. She would not stop shakeing.

I knew this was stupid, I know I know, but the way she looked so scared got me to slowly put my khopesh down. She did not stop shakeing, but she did not look as scared as before.

Crouching down next to her I smiled, "What is your name miss? My name is Carter Kane". She gave me a smile. She whispered , her voice surprisingly strong "Hermione Granger". Her kind brown eyes then flashed green, wait what?! "Stupefy!"

Red and blue light...... then it was just darkness.

-___- -____- -_______-

I woke to Sadie shakeing me while calling my name. I pried open my eyes to see the whole Twenty-First Nome looking at me with worry. "Carter are you ok? The glass doors to the house are broken."

I scrunched my face, it was so hard to remember why I was on the floor. Lights, brown eyes that turned green, broomstick........Hermione Granger! My eyes shot up and I bolted up searching wildly around me. "Crazy girl! Granger danger!"

Sadie put her hands on my shoulders keeping me in place, "Carter...Carter.......CARTER!" I snapped my head to look at her, "Who is Granger, Carter awnser me". I shook my head before I turned myself into an emu, I broke free of her grip before I ran inside.

I continued to run ignoreing the shouting behind me. The safe with the Crown of Ptolemy looked untuched. I turned back into human and unlocked the safe. The Crown was gone.


Fred POV:

George and I were walking around on the grounds of Hogwarts, it was soon curfew. I look towards The Black Lake, there was two figures near the water edge. One of them was Percy. I could recognize that nice round a** anywere, I do stare at it quite a lot.....

George was openly staring at the other person next to Percy. Ohhh someones got a crush. We turn into our fury-form and glide over the two persons. We had to be quite high up to not be seen, or heard. I could not see who was next to Percy, but all I saw was shineing blond hair that reflected the moonlight.

"WHAT ARE YOU DOING OUT HERE! COME WITH ME!" Umbridge. She came storming towards Percy and the other person. Percy started running towards the lake, the other person however clung to his legs and shouted, "YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND. IF I'M DYING YOU DYING WITH ME, AIN'T NO CHOICE!"

It was hillarious to watch as Percy just picked up the person, and then divebombed out into the Black Lake. We just flew above it all watching as Umbridge screamed at them to come back up to get a pece of her mind.

We continued to sircle above the lake even after Umbridge stomped back inn. The person we did'nt know emerged after a few minutes, but Percy stayed down there. Good, I dont want another guy near him.

It took a few minutes, but Percy soon emerged from the lake. He did not however go into the castle. He got a broomstick out and grew his hair longer. He shank too, by a few inches. Percy then shot off into the sky, then he disapeared with a Port Key outside the Hogwarts boundry.

I turned to George, we both thought the same thing, Why did Percy leave Hogwarts?

A/N: how the person with Percy sounded like

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampWhere stories live. Discover now