Harrys Hippie Vision

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I smiled slightly and walked off into the castle. A roar came from the Gryffindors in the distance and I knew Gryffindor had won. How fun.

And to clear it up. Yes, Dumbledore did defeat Grindelwald in an honest matter, but it got to his head so he created Voldemort to get more. He is not necessarily evil, but not good either.


Ron Weasley POV:

I was standing next to Harry as I was working on my Northern Hemisphere star chart in the Astronomy Tower. It was a hard O.W.L exam that made me want to rip out my own red hair and feed it to a hippogriff. This was bloody difficult, nothing made sense! Was Perseus next to Aries or Pleiades? Why did Pegasus look like a giraffe rather than an actual pegasus?

I still can't believe I won the favor of the entire Gryffindor, and I still can't believe Harry and Hermione agreed to help Hagrid with teaching a giant English! Giants barely got along with each other, killing for dominance and food in the tribe, why would not this one have any problems killing us? Because Hagrid said so? Because Hagrid found him harmless? I would normally give people the benefit of doubt after years around Harry, but Hagrid's form of "Harmless" would classify as an XXXXX creature. Super deadly supreme.

Harry let out a gasp to my left and I as well as many others looked his way. I was about to give him a questioning look but my dear friend only pointed out the window. I as well as the others that heard Harry looked in the direction he was pointing and had to hold in their own gasps.

A team of wizards in black robes were surrounding Hagrid firing red stunning spells at him that did no difference. On their backs was the logo of the Ministry of Magic Auror Office. A large gothic M with an illuminated wand in the middle. The six of them looked to be struggling to keep their spells legal since Hagrid did not seem affected at all, it only seemed to upset him. Now it dawned on me why he asked us to watch Gwarp. He knew something like this would happen so he had to make sure someone he trusted could do it.

The whole class that was taking the O.W.L was watching. The examinator along with the other adults that were watching us were paying attention to it as well. Some of the adults had the hard eyes of someone who thought Hagrid deserves it, while some others looked sick to their stomach. 

Mumbles rose up as we all saw McGonagall spring across the grass, wand at the ready going in to help Hagrid.  I could not help but flinch as four of the Hagrid-assaulters turned and shot four red beams right into the old woman's chest before turning back to Hagrid who was running off out of the gates with Fang in his arms. 

Harry looked grim and Hermione looked like she was going to be sick when they saw Professor Trelawney sprinting towards McGonagall checking her pulse. Only one of the six Aurors had looked back on them and checked if they were okay. It was obvious they weren't since Trelawney whipped out her wand and levitated McGonagall into the castle, probably to the Hospital wing.

Percy Jackson handed in his star chart and gave Harry, Hermione and I a look asking to meet up with us after our exam. I wondered how he could finish his chart so fast but then remembered how Fred would brag about Percy being an expert on mythology and star constellations.

I could barely concentrate for the rest of the exam. The only thing I could think about is Hagrid (and McGonagall at some level). I thought of how just a few days ago McGonagall was telling me how many of my classes I would have to improve in to become an Auror and what was expected of me if I wanted to become a battle strategist of the Auror Office. Now she was probably in the hospital wing or worse St. Mangos.

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