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The video was something that I thought that some might want to see.

Sally POV
I watched as Percy walked in and began to right our ignore the owls that clearly wished to claw his eyes out.

Cats hissed, rats ran and toads raid 'rabbit'.
We came to other types of birds, at last, we came across a bird.

It was like a seagull but it had blue feet, its face looked like it was shocked. The wings were also brown and the tail is poking right up.

A Blue-footed booby, An/you do not know how much I laughed at that. Look the bird up if you are uncertain of how it looks like

When we asked the shop owner for the name of the species that was the answer we got.

After a lot of laughing Percy now owned a blue booby. 😂 A Sula nexbouxii.

Apparently, the bird is born from an American father and a mother from Galapagos, so there was now another half - American in the family.

Blue-footed booby, PFT, I apparently said it out loud and a new round of laughter was brought on.

An/name suggestions are very appreciated, I am not sure if the booby should be named Boob (thinking about it for real, should I do it? )

Write it on the line underneath

'Name Booby (name suggestions) '

TheSkyElf out....

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