DDC, Demons get Detencion and a Confrontation

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A/N: The song is from the Movie Amadeus, made by the componist Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. I feel the Music will fit later on when the twins sit inn McGonnagals office

Fred POV (Right after the prank and McGonnagal glared at the twins)

I knew that my brother and I where screwed the moment McGonnagal glared at us. If I did'nt know better I would have thought that McGonnagal was a fellow monster, her glare is worthy one tough. But she smelt to old, and to human. She had a taste of magic on her scent and of cat.

Anyway my brother and I stared at her as she walked up to us, glanced at us for a few seconds before walking towards the door. It was that she wanted us to follow. Many students stared at us as we rose up from our seats with our noses up in the air. We walked out of the Great Hall with the background music of Umbridge screaming at her colleges to do something. Occational screetches of pain told us that our curse worked. Everytime she did the opposite of what was carved into her skin it would burn her. Mabye then she would be encuraged to respect others.

My brother looked at me as we trailed behind McGonnagal. It was clear that he was worried, what if McGonnagal was a demigoddes? Mabye she had managed to go off our demigodradar just like Malfoy had, and if MALFOY had managed who knows how many demigods might be here? I breathed deep in through my nose and tried to detect any godly like about her. Nothing, only a faint hint of egyptian blood. I gave a reassuring look to George and I could see that his shoulders whent a notch down.

After thousands of turns, stairs and halls we finally reached a wooden door. McGonnagals office door, we knew that door well enough, hello little-crack-in-door nice to see you again! McGonnagal opened the door and mentioned us to walk inside. We did so and sat down staring at the desk filled with papers, our faces showed our lack of shame. We did however jump a little as the door smacked shut with a WHAM! McGonnagal sat down in her chair opposite off the desk, her face stoic. Her eyes blazed with anger and with a small almost unnoticeble glimpt of pride and amusement.

McGonnagal gritted out between clenched teeth, voice low but still seething with rage, "Never in my years have I seen a 'prank' like THAT. I have never been so ashamed off anyone, none the less my own Gryffindoors. The only one that I have ever been more ashamed of is Peter Pettigrew. Have you event thought about the possibility og Dolores making truble for your dad at the Minestry? blabalblabal......"

George looked at me as our professor continued to yapp. She yapped on like the lady Mozart wrote a 'song' about. What was the name of that masterpiece again? Queen of the Night,, that was it. McGonnagal was the Queen of Night at the moment. It took a while but she finally calmed down and asked,

"Mr.Weasley and Mr.Weasley how did you two manage something so ..... powerful?" George smirked and said in a bit proud voice, "We have found many spells, curses and poisons in many different books. The Black Library is one goldmine of curses, in one of the books Bill have at home, also a few of our.... accuanties have let us borrow a few. We have some accuanties in America, Greece, Egypt and some few in Norway, Sweeden, Denmark, Finnland and Iceland. A/N: he meens monsters they have encountered, they get torturetips from them Umbridges teacup was cursed with several complex curses where we have changed some of them. The different types of poison was in her tea and in her special pink sugar, some of the syptoms will soon start *George and I smiled wickedly at a shocked and uncomfortable McGonnagal*. The poisons was something we brewed ourselves and we got some help from a lady and her sisters, the mrs Dodds's.

Oh at the problem with our dad. Well.... the Minister and Dolores will suddenly find it wery hard to punish our dad, or litterly anyone with the last name Weasley. But McGonnagal the reason we did this is beacouse one student told us that Perseus Jackson and Harry has come from that whore's detencion with wounds made by Blood Quills. Sooo professor, can we go now?"

McGonnagal nodded absently before calling after us as we walked to the door, "Mr's. Weasleys, you will serve detencion with Snape as you two have given him a person he must cure. Snape will decide when and for how long you shall serve detencion. And as much as it pains me, we cant do much about Dolores. She got a firm hand in both the School and the minestry, she is on good foot with the Minister. The Minister would find a way for this not to come out and would probably say that it is allowed. Oh and 20 Points to Gryffindor for finding useful spells via wellthougththrouh reserch. You may go to your dorms."


Percy POV

I listened thouh the door as Professor McGonnagal chewed the two monsters up. Why did'nt the two use the Mist? Did it not work on the teacher? I continued to ponder as I eavesdropped. I couldnt help but to shake my head in amazement as the monster named George (I think since he had a slightly different tone than the other when he talked) explained how they found the curses and poisons. I got sad as the witch explained the problem with Umbridge and I could not belive my ears as she GAVE 20 Points to Gryffindor.

I backed into the shadows like Nico when the door opened. When the door closed I stepped out of the incky blackness like I was one of Hades's kids, "Hello boys. I have heard from a little bird that you are quite the monsters".

The two monsters jumped and bared their teeth at me. I could see their ears got a little bit bigger and grow pints, their teeth became sharper and four of them became fangs. Talons grew out of long slender fingers and leathery wings grew from their backs. The vains around their eyes became black and more clear, small fires burned at the tips of their hair, they both got red lion tailes where the tip was a small ball off flame. They kind of reminds me of mrs.Dodds, like they are about to eather give me detencion or try to rip my heart out.

The two hissed at me and the one on the rigth said, "Perseus Jackson, why have you approached us?" I walked up to them in a casual way making a peace sign with my hands. The two of them stared at me as if I would start attacking any second. Hmmm, they where scared of me, and they have not tried to attack yet. I smiled at them, "Dont worry boys, I am not after a fight. I have a question ot two to you thouh; what are you? Why are you here and why have you not tried to attack me yet?"

The monsters showed a gesture that they wanted me to follow them. I did so and kept myself behind them and with my hand in my pocket, fingers around my pen. We walked down a few corridors before going into an empty classroom. I closed the door but did not lock it, I am up against two unidentified monsters it would be stupid to lock my only escape.

The monsters perched up on two desks in a crouch. Their shoes was off so their long feet with clawed toes could curl around the edge in a grip. The one on the left (Fred?) stared at me with chocholate brown eyes and started talking, " We are demimonsters, half human/wizard half monster. Our Mother is Tisiphone, the avenger of murder, Tisiphone had hosted our mums body when we where made. We are here to learn magic, we are afterall wizards as well. The reason we have not attacked you is beacause our mother and aunts -Alecto and Megaera- have told us stories about your achivements. Other monsters have told us how you slayed them and Hades have warned us not to get into a figth with you. Aaaand, we only kill if we have to, we prefer to torture and punish souls in the Underworld. So now that you know, can you please not kill us?"

I stared at the two. I could tell that they where honest and actually a little scared of me, they were worried abou my decicion. I had a feeling that I would need them later on, and they did also punish a woman beacause they THOUGTH she hurt children (or maybye they just cared for Potter). I looked in both their eyes, "I will spare you but I want you to help me if you can when I ask" The two looked relived and they said as one, "We swear on the Styx to help Perseus Jackson whenever we can."

A New time has come, Is the world ready for this?

A/N: I dont know if I should pair Percy up with Fred and George or just one of them. I am not even sure if I want him to be with eather of them. Yeah Percabeth is good but I have seen no stories with DemiWizard Percy together with the twins (yet) and I am unsire if it is a good idea. please tell me what you think.

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