A Peek in a Pensive

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George POV:

I cackled and set off the fireworks alongside my brother and his other soul. The fireworks went off with a bang in the Great Hall scaring Umbridge so much that she dropped her teacup sending pink tea all over her lap, burning her. It wasn't our intention but can't say we regretted it. It ended up even better when Professor Snape had accidentally dropped his toast in a jar of syrup that was next to his plate. 

Snape glared at us as he struggled to get the toast out of the jar, not succeeding. I noticed Draco Malfoy glaring at us for that, he adored the professor. Percy just glared back at the albino though, he had not forgiven either of the two after Dumbledore's leave, I knew he blamed the two for some reason. I wonder what happened for Percy to blame them.

It was exam time and even Fred and I were studying, not that we were planning to stay for too long, it was horrific after Umbridge took over as Headmistress. Trawley was without a home, Firenze the centaur was constantly getting donkey comments and Flitwick was being 'discreetly' insulted as well.

I noticed Harry looking tired as ever, bangs under his eyes making him look like a green-eyed L from the anime Death Note. He shuffled around in baggy clothes, second hand from his fat blubbering cousin, complaining from time to time about his scar burning along with visions. Snape was clearly not god for Harry, any other teacher would actually do him good, even Lockhart! The drag queen (a/n no offense to drag queens you look fabulous!) would encourage him to do it on his own after one hour!

Slinking off into the shadows I let Fred and Percy snog right next to me. It wasn't bothering me, I was used to it. Plus, it was nearing bedtime anyways. My eyes were stinging slightly, burning with the desire to rest.

Fred was practically in Percy's lap having a tongue wrestling battle with the demigod. The moans were distracting, so was Fred's fluffy boa that changed color, it was meant as a joke but Fred seemed to love it. 

Candy gave me a suffering look as she sat beside me to the left. Her fur looked like ink, Fred must be washing it with some of his shampoos. 

Draco rushed past us in the night, his platinum hair shining. He was on his way to the dungeons, more specifically Professor Snape's office. 

10 minutes later both Snape and Draco stalked up the stairs, the potions master muttering darkly to Draco about a pink demon. It didn't take a genius to understand that he was talking about Umbridge. 

A couple of minutes later Snape stormed down not noticing us in the shadows, 5 minutes later a ragged Harry ran up towards Gryffindor tower looking disappointed. He was muttering about bullies and fathers. Maybe Snape had insulted his father again? Harry should know better than to believe everything the bat said.

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora