Letter From A Grandson

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Voldemort POV
I have gotten free from the spell that DumbleDolt threw at me all those years ago. It was terrible to see yourself do so terrible acts and not be able to stop it. I would need to write a sorry letter to Mr. Potter.

I saw the owl that I sent to my grandson Percy. The owl that should have gone to Sally seemed to have gotten lost, probably too old.
The owl sat down on the armrest on my creepy throne.
Every death eater started at it (they too had been spelled by Dumbledore) since no one wrote to me.

The envelope was baby blue with To Grandpa Tom written on the front.
I opened the envelope to be greeted with scrawly greek letters were written down. I had taught my self ancient greek after I found out about Poseidon and Sally dating so I understood what Percy wrote. The letter said...

Dear Grandpa Tom
I am so happy that you are alive! I will tell mum at the end of the day. I can't wait until you come, maybe another time I can greet you to my cousins Nico and Thalia.
See you in a week or so.
Love Percy

I could not stop the smile from creeping up on my face. " Severus... I think you will meet Percy at Hogwarts this year."

Severus seemed to have an inner Battle if he should dance or not. I could hear Draco gasp from the sealing. "Draco you can come down, I know you are there"

The youngest Malfoy flew down from the sealing with his winged greek helmet and combat boots. The son of Hermes was always listening in on things while stealing a little bit of everything.

Draco lifted the colored protection glass that was on his modified helmet, to look at me with hopeful eyes. "Do you think that he will come to Hogwarts?" "Yes, I think that he will when I tell him the importance. Oh Draco, will you be nice and put Oliver in the owllery? "

Draco looked happy when he grabbed the Oliver carefully before zooming out the door, a silver trail right behind him. An/kind of like the Flash but not as fast.

I could almost not wait a week. Maybe Percy and Sally would like to go shopping?

An/sooo, Voldemorts point of view. I can't believe that I did that. I have never tried before. But then again he will be a nice sooo.

Yo Percy, you've got another evil grampWhere stories live. Discover now