Hufflepuffs Gryffindor Ravenclaw Or Slytherin?

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Hermine POV
I have to know who his dad is! If Percy's dad is more powerful than Malfoys then who is he?

I watched the blue-footed bird in the bronze cage. I was itching to ask what it was.

Percy clearly saw it too. He took out the bird with the derpy face and strange tail feathers (that pointed right up) and put in his lap.

"guys and Guyette this is Luke my blue-footed booby."
Snorts were made around the room. What kind of name of a race is that?
"Luke here is half magical from his mother side. His mother was from Galapagos while his dad is American."

Ron asked Percy, "why did you name him Luke?"

Surprisingly Percy's face turned sad and he said, "My cousin's son Luke died a hero, I honor his memory by naming my bird after him.
Luke the First had really blue eyes until he was possessed. Just like Luke the Second's feet. He did some terrible stuff but in the end, understood that what he was doing was wrong. "

Now I understood why Percy was so sad at the thought of Luke the First.
Must be terrible that Luke the First understood his wrongings just before he died.

The train stopped after a few hours and we found out that his father was first lost at sea before Percy met him at age 11. Apparently his father Poseidon Seastorm can't take care of him and don't have much contact. Percy's mother is apparently much like Mrs. Weasley and recently got together with Percys English teacher.

We got in the chariots and I was confused when Harry asked what was pulling them.

Nothing should be pulling them, they usually did that by themselves. I said that but when Percy said "they are Thesterals, can only be seen by those who have seen death. "

I was a bit creeped out that I could see something that almost no one else sees. Loony Luna then seemed to creep me out with saying that they are as sane as she.
Percy, however, smiled at her and said " Luna! You are here too? Let me guess, you are a Ravenclaw"

"Hi Percy, I had a feeling that you would end up here sometime. I wonder what house you will be in. You are right that I am a Ravenclaw."

She had a quiet voice filled with mystery, her clothing and way to read the Quibbler gave her the look of a mentally absent person.
Probably why everyone calls her Loony Luna.

Percy and Luna talked on the way to the castle. Percy was so nice and asked if anyone was being mean to Luna as if he could expect someone to do so.

I knew that Luna was an outsider but that the other Ravenclaws bullied her was new and unacceptable.

====welch linebreak====

Draco POV
Percy was standing with the first years. He stood so much out.

The sorting was sooo boring. My ADHD was emerging.
I started balancing a spoon on my nose and after that making a spoon, fork and knife crown. I am after all the Slytherin Prince.

Finally, it was Percy's turn. Dumbledore said in a booming voice, "now everyone we have an exchange student from America. He is from a camp where they learn more about physical fighting and ancient magic.
Perseus Riddle Jackson please sit on the stool."

Percy walked forwards and sat down on the stool, his long legs folding.

Percy POV
I sat down on the stool and the old hat was sat on my head.
Now, what do I have here? A powerful demigod. Son of Lord Poseidon and savior of Olympus.
Now where to put you?
Bravery beyond measure
Smarter than others give you credit for
Loyalty is your fatal flaw
You also have an immense amount of ambition and you want to prove yourself to your father.
Your ambition is many, have a world in one peace, prove yourself to your father, keep your family and friends safe.
Slytherin will do you well for many reasons. Dumbledore will have almost no control of when you contact your grandfather.

"now I know where to put you, Percy, I say Slytherin!"

Yes! Now I can be with Snape and Draco!

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