Draco's Encounter with the twins

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A/N: I mention SHIELD here but the Marvel universe will have no impact here

Draco Malfoy POV                                                                                                                                                                  I walked up to the Weasley twins. Blood traitors they may be but they are at least magical. I accept mortals/muggles but I cant help but to feel intimidated by what they can achieve, that's why I lash out. Who knows what muggle-borns might be telling their parents? Maybe the muggle government might try to attack us wizards, I have heard stories about SHIELD.

Anyway, I walked up to the two redheads and sat next to them. Surprisingly no one shot us even a glance. My demigodsences was going haywire, I shoved the unease Down. Percy have been in several detentions for a week and a half, he always came to the common room with a bloodied hand. Percy always waved it off and tried to reassure me that he have had worse, that is the understatement of the Century but I am still worried about him.

The twins looked at me strangely, did I have something on my face? Then they leaned inn on me and said, "we know what you are demigod. Be careful of how you address us or we will kill you." . Oh crap! How can there be monsters inside Hogwarts? How can there be two monsters inside a Light wizards family? Oh Yeah The Mist, probably why no one noticed our conversation too. How can I have been so stupid? What were these monsters, telekeni, lycanthropes, vampires? I don't show open hostility since I don't know what they are but showed that I am cautious. Better treat these two with respect, and maybe stop antagonizing the other Weasels, who knows maybe they are monsters too.

Now back to business, "I am in need of assistance. I need Dolores Umbridge punished, she has been using Blood Quills on both Percy Jackson and Harry Potter. It is unacceptable and I need Your help to make her pay." I don't know why I even told them about Percy but I just had a feeling that they did not like children -especially Harry- (other than demigods) getting hurt by adults. They had not confronted Percy nor me before so if the Athena kids' research is right these two have to be young monsters, not able to sniff out demigods that easily, not that used to fighting but still extremely strong, fast, smart and dangerous. Oh, joy.

The monsters spoke with each other in a fast, harsh language that sounded like nails scraping against a blackboard. There where occasional screeches and hisses but it otherwise sounded just the same. I am not surprised if the monsters had their own language, did each species have their own or was it one singular language? Or maybe there were several languages in different places in Tartarus, or one for each species and one basic language.

They looked occasionally at me with hunger and maniac glimpses in their eyes. They looked so terrifying and playful at the same time. Innocent schoolchildren with terrible demonic spirits in their eyes. The eyes stayed the same color but it had a mad hunger in them like they where famished their whole lives and then suddenly find a buffet in front of them. Me. They looked willing to just kill me right there with no regrets, probably more like they would sleep better knowing that they had murdered one of the gods children.

After a good, while the two monsters turned to me and spoke as one, "we will help you demigod, but remember Malfoy we want something in return at some point" . What have I gotten myself into? I stood and after I nodded to the two I walked out of the Great Hall, Percy saw the uncertain look on my face and followed me.

I walked through the halls of Hogwarts, I did not care that Percy was calling after me. I have to get as far away as possible from the two monsters. Now that there are two undetected monsters there who knows how many might be there eating and joking around, that could try to kill Percy, Severus and I in a second. I could almost hear the old coot Dumbledore say - don't you worry child. A/N: Warning, awful mental image ahead and adult content. Hah, I will stop worrying when Severus have a threesome with Zeus and Hestia at a whore-house in Virginia. You might be shouting 'But Hestia has a Virgin-oath', that's the point. (done)

I shuddered and stormed into an empty classroom that I knew no one was ever near. Percy ran inn right after me. He turned my stiff body towards him, his hands on my tense shoulders. "Draco, tell me what's wrong. What happened when you spoke to the Weasley twins?" I began to shake at the memory of their creepy smiles, they only helped me because they did not like Umbridge either. Realization hit me like a dictionary to the face, they could have killed me and cover it up with The mist, make it seem like I was poisoned or worse make it seem like I had attacked them and they had to defend themselves. My family would have been both devastated and then looked down upon by the society, Percy would then only have Severus and Loony at Hogwarts.

I looked at Percy and spoke in a weak and shaky voice, "They are monsters, I don't know what. I am going to get their help at making Umbridge pay but Percy... they were so scary. They looked ready to kill me any second, tear my head from my shoulders. The glint in their eyes, it's like they come straight from the pits of the Underworld." I have never been that much of a fighter, not really brave but these two was too much. I have fought many monsters -not that strong but still, they were monsters- but these two made me more scared than any dragon or Scythian Dracanae. I continued to babble and Percy was the best friend in the world and just hugged me letting the words just jumble up. We would talk about this in our dormitory but for now, I just needed a hug by someone I trust.

What I did not know was that the Golden Trio had followed me from the Great Hall been under the invisibility cloak and heard everything.


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